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Perhaps , I may speak yet you may hear, but you fail to listen

Perhaps , I try to be seen , yet you are all blind , no need for attention

Perhaps , what I want , I shall not recieve , for it's intermission

Perhaps , I hurt from within, yet I have not shown, for it's a sentence

Perhaps , you love me, I return the love, but succeed in a guard

Perhaps , I fail to guard , for I am strong, for the weak can only hold

Perhaps , they say they are there , but reality shows no one never is , even when informed

Perhaps , you crave their presence, but only to be forced to settle for their absence

Perhaps , thy heart has shattered , Cinderella shot down, pieces left to not be mattered

Perhaps , no one loves , for you are alone , with no one to hold

Perhaps , they hate for my honesty , yet carry the lie of me

Perhaps , day by day , I look you in the eye, with a reflection of crystal gold, yet you still not see me

Perhaps , I am alive , but already to be prenouced dead

Perhaps , I can not go on , when there is no path for me to stroll on

Perhaps , I'm saying perhaps, yet you fail to understand thy meaning

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