Ch. 6

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The whistle blows and I enter the arena again.

“Welcome Spark.  I am Shadow.” I jump when she speaks beside me.

“We shall start.  Go to the center of the room and tell me what you feel.”

“No my dear,” she snickers, “what do you feel from your magic.”

“Oh… there is a great amount of energy in the room.  It is also telling me something very dark is here as well; something dark and very powerful.”

“Very good, my magic is the darkness that you are feeling.  I have shadow magic.”

I shudder.  It feels like a deep, dark pit of loneliness is trying to suck all the good energy in me.  I take a step back and notice that I was standing in a shadow; now that I am out the feeling of suffocating loneliness went away.

I feel an energy spike and jump to the side.  Right where I was standing is a black spot.  I turn to Shadow to yell, but she isn’t there.  Spinning around reveals that I am alone.  I can still feel her magic and energy in the arena so she hasn’t left me.  She must be using the shadows to hide.

When I was just a colt, I was scared of the dark.  Every moon I would get scared and go running to my dad.  Finally my dad told me that no darkness could ever hurt the golden light that is in my heart.  Thinking of that memory gives me an idea on how to find her.

I take a deep breath and lower my head.  I can feel the curious energy coming from her.  I quickly raise my head, rearing at the same time.  When I land back on my feet a ring of light makes its way out in a ring of pure energy.  It cavers the whole arena in light and eliminates all the shadows. 

When the light hits Shadow, she lets out a screech and charges me.

With instinct guiding me, I jump to the side and kick my front leg out, causing a bolt of lightning to go just over Shadow.

She turns on me again.  This time her gaze is cold and calculating.  I feel her shadows trying to creep up on me and I flick my mane.  The coolest thing happens next! I start glowing!

Shadow is staring at me in awe.  Heck! I’m staring at me in awe.  When we finally snap out of the awe-induced shock I start turning causing me to look like a blur.

“Very impressive Spark, now please turn it off.  We have a lot to test and go through.”

I try turning it off and it gets brighter.  The longer I try the brighter it gets.

“Spark! I said shut it off, not make it brighter.” Shadow yells in irritation.

“I’m trying! I don’t know how!” The energy builds up and suddenly releases.  I get blasted off my feet and Shadow is slumped against the wall.  I quickly go over to check on her.

She is unconscious but still breathing.

I pace around the arena waiting for her to wake up.  I don’t know what happened back there but I am never doing that again.

“Are you alright Shadow?”

“What happened?” her voice is shaky.

“I was glowing and I tried to turn it off but it sort of… blew up.” I sheepishly reply.

“Well we only have a short amount of light left for magic.  We need to figure out how much we need to teach you still.”

“Control, magical attacking, magical defence, did I miss any?” I snort.

“I guess not.” Shadow doesn’t look well.

“Do you need to go to the infirmary?”

“No! I will be fine.” She snaps.

“Ok then,” I was just trying to be helpful.

“You are dismissed for now.”


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