part II "finesse"

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Winters POV

Well, it wasn't the best of days, but not exactly the worst either. The thought ran through Winters mind as she pulled off her armor, looking at her clock while she did so. 7:05 PM it read, earning a sigh from the sea foam freelancer. "Daft, I was hoping it'd be later.." She sighed, taking off the under-armor. She had just put on a black T-shirt when she heard a knock on her door. "Come in." She responded, and she smiled when she saw her girlfriend and lover South. "Hey." South said, wearing a smirk few got to see, but with Winter it was common. "Hi." Winter responded, her heart beat increasing just from being near the bombshell blonde. She gasped slightly when she felt South's arms wrap around her waist. "I missed you during my mission~." South purred out, before stepping back a small amount to take in the sight of her lover. White hair, icy blue eyes that warmed her heart, and such luscious curves they made South's heart scream with joy. Winter was perfect in every aspect. "I missed you too, are you hurt any?" Winter asked, tilting her head in a charming manner. "No, no. I'm fine. Only a few bruises and cuts but that's normal." South giggled, trying to convince the other that she was just okay. "It wouldn't have to be normal if you let me take care of you." She huffed, puffing her cheeks out and putting her hands on her hips in a way that made her seem childish, but also extremely attractive to South. "Whatever you say my little season." South teased, giggling as Winter only got more frustrated. "You need to let me take care of you! One day you'll get hurt and I won't be able to heal you!" Winter scolded South, sighing in exasperation as South only giggled more, and began to strip off her armor. Winters face flushed slightly as South undressed, purposefully making her hips sway as she pulled off her leg armor, as well as under-armor. When South was done, Winter was a red mess of blush. "What's wrong? Something the matter~?" South teased, not bothering to put on any other clothes after that. Even though Winter already knew South preferred to sleep nude, it still didn't prevent her from blushing whenever South got nude in front of her. "N-no, its just.. I saw this really pretty lady and I don't know what to do about it." Winter responded, looking at South's nude body. Perfect bulk, muscle, and curves all complimented each other without unbalancing another. "Well, let's get some sleep okay sweetie?" South asked, walking past Winter and onto their shared bed. "Right." Winter nodded, sitting on the edge of the bed as she watched South slip underneath the blankets before slipping under the blankets herself. Oh boy, another good sleep with the one she loved. Winter smiled to herself, and begun drifting off to sleep.

Whew, holy shit. My thumbs are almost fucking numb. But hey, the charms of writing I guess.

Winter x Agent South DakotaUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum