Chapter 3: Little Things

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I live to let you shine...


So I was told to "take it slow." Yea thanks. I was also told I should give him presents! So I tried that...

So I went in with a creeper bracelet in this little box. I wrapped it all nice and hid it in my sweatshirt. After the day was over I pulled him away and tried to give it to him. I said, "Hey Gavino I have something for ya." He smiled and I could feel that I was a bright red. I slipped my hand into my sweatshirt and pulled out the nice little box. He looked shocked. I felt my heart drop until he grinned ridiculously and took it gently from me. "Thanks Micooo!" He wrapped both arms around me and in that moment I was so happy. So I asked him if he wanted to get some "bevs". He of course agreed. I dunno if I should dress up or something. What do you guys think?

-Michael Jones

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