~Chapter 4~

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After leaving the two growling idiots behind Alex and I started heading towards the office to grab our schedules and locker numbers.

As we were heading towards the office a random thought popped into my mind: 'Why are we here?'. I mean Jason told Alex why we were going to school but nobody told me.

"Hey Alex, why are we here?" I asked her.

"You don't know?" A look of disbelief crossed her features.

"Not really." I answered.

"Okay," she started. " There are two reasons. Firstly Ashley can't teach us anymore because she is going to her home town to help her mother recover from her father's death. And secondly we need to relax, I mean come on Liz what have we been doing for most of our lives huh? We've been training, fighting, studying and partying, while normal teenagers were studying, having relationships, going to parties, hanging out with their friends, come on Elizabeth get real! Don't you want all these things?!"

By the time she finished talking we had reached the office so I stayed silent.

"Hi. I'm Margaret. You guys must be the new students."

She looked through her files, finally she picked a folder.

"Eva and Amy Preston."

We had decided to say that we were sisters so that no one would question the fact that we would be together all the time.

"Well girls welcome to our school. Whatever you need I'm here for you." she smiled kindly and handed us our folder.

"Thanks Margaret I'm Amy." Alex said while pointing to herself and the she pointed at me and said.

"And she is Eva."

I gave her a sweet smile and said.

"It is nice to meet you and we're sorry for being late."

"Just go to class." She pointed towards the direction of the hallway.


When we found the class, we stayed outside for a while looking at each-other.

"So.. This is it... Are you ready?" I asked Alex.

"Yeah.. I guess. Lets go."

She opened the door and we got in.

The teacher was an middle aged woman who looked really kind, but looks can be deceiving thats something I've learned over the years.

She turned to us and spoke,

"So you must be Amy and Eva. You are late." she said.

'F*ck you, bitch just tell were to seat!' - i wanted to say but instead I said.

"Umm... we're terribly sorryy... It won't happen again."

When I looked at Alex it was like she wanted to burst out laughing.

"Very well... there are two free seats at the back and about seven at the front. Seat wherever you want just don't interrupt my lesson."

Woah PMS much?!

I looked at Alex and she nodded so we started heading towards the back.

"Oh girls... I forgot you have to introduce yourselves."

You have to be kidding!!


Ok let's get this over with!

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