Camping~ - Minicat

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TyroSlime has requested a Minicat camping one-shot. Sorry that this is very late and very short. I'm sorry about that, and I'm starting the requests now. Thank you all being so patient.


 I looked over at Tyler with a smirk, little did he know that I wanted to go camping for some midnight fun. As he looked for a place to set up camp, I looked for a place to have some fun. I found a nice flat grassy area and Tyler thought it was a good place to stay. We put the tent up and we both went out to get firewood. I only grabbed a handful, When Tyler came back you couldn't see his face. I laughed a bit as we made the fire pit and set up the the logs.

It was alright close to sunset, but I took no notice to the time as I raced off. Tyler saw that I ran off and started running after me. I soon stopped behind a tree very close to a pond, Tyler ran by and stopped right in front of the pood. Taking my chance I pushed him into the freezing cold water. Tyler seemed to have turned and grabbed onto my shirt as I pushed him in taking me with him. We swam around a bit not noticing the night swimming in slowly. When we realized that it was dark we ran back to the camp.

Tyler started a fire and got a blanket. I took my seat on his lap, my plans for tonight coming back to mind. I started to lightly grind on Tyler, getting a moan from him. The wet clothes got in the way, I slowly pulled of my shirt while I continued to grind on Tyler. I pulled on my shorts, Tyler took notice and stripped off my pants and boxers. Tyler had already stripped himself of his shirt. Moving his hips he grinned on me, I moaned at the friction. Tyler's mouth attached to my next, causing me to moan louder.

Tyler soon released my next but picked up my ass. He took off his shorts and boxers, and he positioned himself. With that he let me slowly take in his dick. With my hands on his shoulders I used him to bring myself down, I was a moaning mess from the pain and soon to be pleasure. Tyler groaned as I continued to bounce, his hands trailed over my body. I bit my lip as Tyler attacked my neck. I clawed at his back, drawing a small amount of blood. One of Tyler's hands started to rub my dick as I moaned out into the darkening sky. I came soon after releasing onto his hand and stomach. Tyler soon followed, I even passed out and Tyler carried me into the tent to sleep.

I woke up to the smell of warm food and poked my head out of the tent. Tyler was sitting there with nothing on, "Hello princess~"

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