Chapter 2:

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"UH! I CAN'T BELIEVE HE'S MAKEING US DO THIS!" Hikaru said as tears pricked his eyes and Kaoru was fall out sobbing from not being with his nii-san in a romantic way in a long time. Hikaru captured his Ototo's lips in his in the most desperate and needy way any human could express and slipped his tongue in his lovers mouth. "I don't care that we are brothers. I need you and that's the end of it." Hikaru said in a voice so unlike him and seductive, pinning his reflection's arms above him by the wrists. "Hikaru..." Kaoru said shocked pure happiness shining in his eyes. "Kaoru," Hikaru murmured getting carried away looking in his one true loves eyes before thrusting into him not realizing they still had clothes on until it was to late. "Oh." was all that was said, still in the moment, looking down at their pants still attached to their waists. Hikaru took it off slowly despite their aching need to be inside each other. Hikaru kissed Kaoru very gently on the lips after they were off, causing a moan from his brother to be aroused. "I love you." Was said in a barely audible whisper, and came a scream as Hikaru put his-self inside his need. His pleasure was not in the friction itself, but being allowed inside something so precious to him. It felt right inside his brother, it always did. He leaned down and held his brother for a few moments not wanting to ruin the moment. Kaoru lay his head next to his brothers, closing his eyes and enjoying the scent his one true love gave him before he continued thrusting slowly in him. This moment couldn't be more perfect. Right now they were all that existed.

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