Chapter One: the binding of weakness

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it was warm, it had its consistencies as always and as always I was keen to its new born presence and persistence. There was also an odd curiousness to its shine, and not just this one all blades had the same captivating contagion on me and I would hope on others as well. without thinking I buried it once more and leered as it merged with flesh and crimson.
what am I saying... that never happened, I opened my eyes,
"seven forty one" did I really sleep that long I sighed muffled by blankets. sitting and feeling the looming feeling of emptiness I feel back into the embrace of pink sheets and soft dreams of boys and beautiful thoughts, a typical 7:41 moment or so I'd like to think or hate to realize.
The ripples on this day cared much meaning, the radiated sounds of tapping glass and similar was its actions.
I jumped and looked at my stand, there resided a copy of lord of the flies, a visually stimulating lamp and my cell phone which vibrated enthusiastically as it responded to one of its major functions.
a phone call, Autem
my heart raced as I read the name, Autem, the only Autem to mean anything, the only one to mean anything to anyone but why me why now...

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