6. quote

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  • Dedicated to spindle

because you can't read my tornado-like handwriting,

and because I took the picture at a weird angle,

actually, mostly because I took it at a weird angle,

here's the quote:

{ That was the kind of world they lived in:

When people were afraid, they did not always do what they knew to be right.

They turned away.

They closed their eyes.

They said, Tomorrow. Tomorrow, perhaps, I'll do something about it.

And they said that till they died. }


I don't know about you,

but to me, that's pretty goddamn true. 

procrastination and ignoring problems.

because people are afraid.

we don't want to deal with it,

but we know we should.

because sometimes,

the roaring voice of our thoughts are louder

than the sincere whispers of our hearts.

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It's from Liesl & Po, by Lauren Oliver.

the illustrations is the book are adorable, 

and also, pretty amazing.

it's about a girl

whose stepmother locks her in the attic

and outside, the sun hasn't shone for 1728 days.


she meets a ghost and its pet; Po and Bundle

and an alchemist's apprentice; Will.

evils stepmothers,


Lady Premieres,


little girls,

old women riding on backs of policemen.


I like it. 

it was pretty good.

at least that's what I think.

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if you were wondering about spindle, the backround spider,

he's the turquoise muhblub with eight legs in the background of that shot over on the side.

my friend carissa (a.k.a. car) made it for me.

go car. she's great. :)

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pizza for thought

you know who is pretty fridging awesome?

Shane Koyczan.

look him up.

he is, oh my gosh, amazing.

spoken word poetry.

the crickets have arthritis.


to this day. *

blueprint for a breakthrough.

ineffably amazing. look him up.

I've listened to almost everything.

I can't really describe it,


judge me if you want,

but he's the best.

(not as much as jelly bean, though.)

* there's a little video on the side.

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a little something:

Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way you're a mile away, and you have their shoes too.

cheerio :*

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