Chapter 7: The Unforeseen Talk

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Date first published: May 23, 2017

Date edited: June 5, 2021

Date published: July 8, 2021


Update: A free day means that a chapter will have no relevance to school and to the plot of the actual show. It focuses on events that happened about a previous relevant plot as the characters take a break and talk about these events.

Sorry for being inactive lately. I really wanna finish this book but I'm just dealing through a lot. I will finish this book but it's going to take a while so I'm sorry :T


Day: Sunday (Free day)

3rd Person POV

It was a hectic day yesterday. With the soccer match and Adudu and everything else that happened, you were all just glad that you all get a day of break without any drama. You were already up and ready to conquer the morning. You went down stairs and saw your grandpa drinking coffee. You optimistically walked over to greet your grandpa and took a seat at the dining table.

"I heard it had been quite a week for you at school." He started as he handed you a plate of buttered toast.

"Well it was quite hectic than the the other weeks. After week two of Boboiboy going to Rintis Island Primary School, a lot of things happened." You replied as you took a bite of the toast.

"Ever since Boboiboy came to Rintis island last year, he has hooked quite some enemies and inconvenience...I'm not saying that the boy is trouble himself...but Rintis Island just used to be calmer before he arrived here." Your grandpa stated.

"Well grandpa...with all the aliens after his grandad's cocoa this place sure became more intriguing don't you think?"

"Well...yes, and no. It is quite entertaining and intriguing to watch these events unfold, but everyone's safety is what I worry about. You only moved in here with me for three months yet you're getting involved with their drama."

"Oh come on grandpa, it's not like we do it intentionally. Things just happen unpredictably. And if Adudu weren't after the kokotiam then I think less drama would've stirred here, right?" You finished the first slice of toast as you grab another. Your grandpa finishes a sip of his coffee and gently puts his mug down.

"Well you do make a point...Tok Aba was also getting worried. You know that we live nearby them and he tells me stories about all of your adventures. When did you start school again? I haven't kept track on your experience here lately even though it's my responsibility...Would you like to share?"

"Of course! Well...I arrived here three months ago... After a month of vacation before school: I met Yaya, Gopal and Ying and we all managed to get along really well. The second month of me being here was the start of school. The first three weeks were...fine..." You bitterly emphasized "fine" as your grandpa looks at you questionably.

"Hm? How come?" You finished your toast and continued the story.

"This boy..."

"A boy? Is it Fang?" He asked as your gaurd got caught off by his response.

"How did you know!?" You asked, still shocked by your grandpa's response.

"Whenever me and Tok Aba have a talk, he mentions a boy that annoys his grandson a lot. Based on his description of the boy...I recall he came here for a project last Monday."

Fang x Reader: His True Intentions ( Under-Editing )Where stories live. Discover now