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I wake up to the smell of meat filling my nostrils. I immediately run downstairs, I honestly can't help it, it's an instinct. I see Ryder On the couch on his laptop drinking a glass of blood, and Eli with a plate of half eaten meat on the kitchen table.

"Morning" Ryder says with a smile.

"Hey" I say.

"Good your up" Eli says.

"Yea" I say.

"You are gonna learn how to hunt, and I'm gonna help you" Eli stands up.

We go outside and he tells me to look around for deer. I spot one and I behind a near by tree.

"Ok, umm, this next part, you either take off your clothes or turn, but when you turn back into a human, your clothes are ripped" Eli says.

"Really?" I say.

"Yea" Eli says.

"Ok, but first, how do I transform?" I sigh.

"I, I can't explain its just an instinct" Eli says.

"I'll try, ok look away" I say. He turns around facing the other way while I undress.

"This is so awkward, what if I'm seen?" I say.

"You won't be, ok so just focus" Eli says. The deer is just standing still looking into the distance. I just close my eyes and I imagine me becoming a wolf, and suddenly I feel my bones crack. It's working, and it isn't as bad as last time. I'm on four legs, I pounce at the deer and I bite a chuck out of it's stomach. I could feel Eli staring at me. After the deer is dead, I stop. Eli looks away as I transform back into a human.

"Hahaha! That was awesome!" I put my clothes back on.

"Ok I'm fully dress" I say. He turns around and gives me a high five.

"I knew you could do it, now you have to taste it" Eli says. I walk over to the dead deer. I put one hand inside of it and I taste the blood.

"This isn't bad, I can live with this" I smile.

"All of this is kinda overwhelming" I sigh.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it" Eli smiles.

"We should be heading back" I stand up.

"Yea we should, and it gets better Macy, we're with you every step of the way" Eli stands up. He takes my hand and our eyes met. I get lost in those beautiful eyes again He caresses my cheek and chuckles.

"What?" I smile. He wipes my lip and I look on his finger to see blood from the deer.

"Oh" I blush. He licks his fingers seductively smirking. He leans in closing his eyes and in that moment, I knew he was about to kiss me. I've never been kissed before. I close my eyes waiting for his lips to touch mine and when they do, there were no words to describe how it felt. I wrap my arms around his neck not wanting it to end. He pulls away. I didn't know what to say. I could tell I was blushing a lot.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that" Eli smiles. We walk back to to house.

"Hey, how was it?" Ryder asks.

"I transformed" I smile.

"Congratulations" Ryder smiles.

"Go change, I'm gonna teach you mind control" Eli smiles. I running upstairs and I change into my red and black plaid shirt and blue jeans. I go back downstairs to see Hugo at the door with Eli answering it.

"Oh, hey Hugo" I say.

"Macy" He walks over giving me a hug.

"Now isn't really a good time, Hugo" I say.

"What's going on? You haven't been answering my texts or calls?" Hugo asks.

"I've been busy and how did you find me?" I say.

"You've forgotten about me haven't you?" Hugo asks.

"No, a lot has happened" I say. He looks at my eyes.

"Your eyes, why are your eyes purple?"

"I'm, kind of a were, woooolf, noow?" I say.

"What!" Hugo says.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you" I say.

"Come on Macy? You know nothing about these guys, and your already living with them?" Hugo whispers.

"It's not like that and you know it. I have no where else to stay and you know I can't go back to my dad, he will kill me, literally" I say.

"You could've just stayed with me, I'm your best friend?"

"I am your best friend, right?" Hugo asks.

"I don't think it's safe for us to be friends anymore, you knowing there secret which is also now my secret, I can't risk it" I say.

"Your kidding me right now?" Hugo says.

"I wish I was"

"Ok, if that's how you want it. I shouldn't have went up to you on the first place, slut" He walks out, but not before Eli roughly grabs his arm.

"What did you just call her" I see his grip getting tighter.

"No, Eli, just let it go" I feel a tear fall down my right cheek. Eli yanks his arm away.

"Get the hell out" Ryder says. Hugo leaves slamming the door behind him. Eli comforts me

"Can we just go?" I wipe my tears.

"Yea" Eli sighs.

"You ok?" Ryder asks.

"Im fine lets just go"

We go into the city and we walk wherever the side walk takes us.

"So, what do I do?" I sigh.

"Same thing with your transformation, it's an instinct, you just have to focus on their mind" Eli says.

"Ok, who should I do and what should I say?" I look around and I see a girl next to a pole texting somebody on her phone.

"I'll do her" I walk up to the girl.

"Hey" I say, but she ignores me.

"Excuse me?" I say.

"What" She doesn't take her eyes off the phone.

"Can you look at me for one second?" I ask. She sighs and looks up at me.

"Give me your phone" I say looking into her eyes. She freezes and hands me her phone. I look back at Eli giving him a thumbs up. I hand her the phone, but she doesn't take it.

"Take the phone" I say. She takes it and I walk back to Eli.

"I did it" I say smiling.

"Congratulations, now your really one of us" Eli smiles.

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