Now that I realize

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Now that  realize I never had friends expected for ones that always had  back and frack with so many of my problem yet always be there since  day one and won my trust and love alongside of that they were my true friends

But enough about true friends  I want to say your were always my friend but instead you pretend  to be one and  now want rerun claiming that you  had my Back and you were always supportive when you was always abortive of everything I did or thought

When u so caught up with your social life u forgot u had bestfriend when around your other friends u  decided rather to treated me as if were nothing to you and blew me away into thin air and then declare  to be my best friend

It seem to me you were just stranger I walk past everyday that blasts away when I need them the most but when I need a shoulder to cry on u was never there to land a hand  yet u say no else was there for me when u were the one who never one to give out a hand to help when yelp I was scared no one cared

When all you did was watch me when struggled and smuggled with my problem yet the people you say that were never there for me were the people that I depend  on and call a friend but yet u was always there for me right

But your just  like a light that flash away without a glare and never ask if I was really okay but I guess I was only to be betray by u and your words that I thought was truth but only to see the untruth  

I give u the title of a bestfriend and you throw it in my face leaving a trace of all
the thing u done wrong to me and parolee to be a friend when in reality you were just a fake ass friend

And to think I was right to apply my title to you  as a best friend when u didn't deserve It I rather just serve you a entitled that title u as a friend that been Unfriended

Now that I realize that I'm done  I can't believe spun so much time that was only prime in my life on someone that I thought was a my friend and call my bestfriend  so do me a favor and pack up your thing and leave my life cause your just like a knife  that was only stabbing me in back and ripping my heart into pieces as I stumbled upon my own blood  as flood in sorrow of own pain that drain my soul and stole my happiness but you were never my bestfriend

From: Anonymous
To: EX bestie

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2017 ⏰

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