Once Again

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The orange-masked turtle quickly froze.



"W-what back?"


Mikey chuckled nervously, "N-now Ralph, there's something that you need to know."

The angry turtle inched towards him, "What is it??"

"I-I sort of...already ate it...hehe."


Donatello rolled his eyes as Mikey ran away from Ralph and around the lair, "Guys, come on. Just order another one."

A series of cries and yells for help was his answer. He sighed and turned back to his laptop, droning out the noises. A figure sat next to him and caused him to look up. He saw Leo plop on the couch and flip on the tv.

A slight smirk appears on Donatello's face, "So, the mighty leader has been defeated by the cold weather, huh?"

Leo shrugged, "Eh, there was nothing really going on tonight..." He glanced at his wrist that you had gently touched, "...I decided to just come on home."

Donatello's face went flat, "Leo, you are literally the worst liar I know."

A pink blush appeared on his face, "I-I don't know what you're talking about."

Donnie raised an eyebrow and leaned in, prying open one of his brother's eyes.

"Hmm...pupils are dilated," He grabbed Leo's wrist and held his thumb over it, "AND an increase in heartbeat rate."

Leo stared at him like he was crazy.

Donatello smirked and released his wrist, "Something definitely DID happen, Hamato Leonardo, so just go ahead and 'fess up."

He groaned and flipped off the tv, staring at the black screen.

"I...I met a girl."


"Well..." He rubbed the back of his neck, "Her name is (y/n)..."

Donnie nodded and began typing away on his computer, "Did you happen to catch a last name?"

"No...But I did see her face, a-and her boyfriend's."

Donnie froze, "Leo...you can't-"

"I know!" He put his head in his hands, "Believe me, I KNOW. She's already taken, and by a power-hungry, obnoxious jerk...But it's against her will....I just..." He sighs, his voice going softer, "I can't stop thinking about her...she was just so...helpless when he struck her. That's why I stopped him...she looked so hopeless against him, yet I saw how brave she was to go back home, knowing that she'd deal with the consequences in the morning. I...I hated seeing her leave, knowing that I'll never see her again." He looked back up at his brother, "Am I crazy?"

"Hmmm..." Donnie put a hand to his forehead and pretended to think, "No, but you are getting close..." His playful look then disappeared, "Leo, you hardly know the girl. You don't even know her last name...you shouldn't get emotionally attached, ESPECIALLY if she's going to be married. It's just a whim, you'll see. Emotions change all the time, but your decisions in the past never will."

Leo looked back down and stood up, "What if she gets hurt?"

Donnie sighed, "Leo...bad things sometimes happen to good people, whether we want them to or not....If you want some food, I think Ralph and Mikey are still fighting over the last slice of pizza. You should hurry up and go claim it."

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2017 ⏰

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