Calum Hood 1.6

7.9K 166 38

151 Calum didn't even know what was until the 5th of June.

152 When Calum was younger, he used to run around and take a bite out of apples, then put them around the house.

153 At Melbourne airport, Calum struggled to push the luggage trolly and the whole thing ended up on the ground.

154 Back in 2012, Calum's celebrity crush was Kierra Folsom and Jessica Alba.

156 Calum hates crossing at Zebra crossings.

157 He claims he is a 'dog' lover.

158 His favorite color is blue.

158 Calum says the hate never gets to him.

159 Calum's favorite childhood movie is Monsters Inc.

160 Calum likes pancakes more then waffles.

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