Chapter 1: Juniper Harlow

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Juniper Harlow was a funny character. She liked boy clothes and boots and rode a bike like a professional. She was always coming up with different, crazy insults and curse words, some not even taboo.

She had a thing for a boy named Will Byers, a member of the nerdy squad that met up nearly every night to play D&D. The gang were 14 year olds now, and seemed to be closer than ever since Eleven's disappearance and lack of return.

Juniper had never actually met Eleven, but the way Mike talked about her, she knew she was special.


"But what's that sound? Growing closer and closer... a dark shadow seeps across the wall and consumes you in bitter darkness... a thundering BOOM is heard on the cold concrete steps, oozing with blood from the previous slaughtering of the enemy..."

"Oh we're in deep shit..." Dustin breathes, placing his head in his hands as he groans in anguish.

"Please not the demogo-"

"THE DEMOGORGON ATTACKS WITH A MIGHTY SWIPE OF HIS TAIL! KNOCKING YOU ALL OFF YOUR FEET AS YOU CRASH TO THE GROUND!" Mike shouts at the top of his voice, slamming the demogorgon onto the board.

"Oh crap buckets what the hell are we gonna do now?" Juniper yells, wringing her fingers through her curls.

"It slowly steps towards Lucas, teeth bared and eyes shining with pure, unadulterated BLOODTHIRST! It opens its mouth and..."

"FIREBALL!" Lucas shouts quickly, throwing the dice onto the table.

"13! Lucky shot, Lucas!" Will cheers quietly, smiling. He glanced over at June at the other side of the table, watching the boys with interest as she tossed the dice and cheered when she got an 8.

"Cast a protection spell!" Dustin said, making Juniper twist her bottom lip in her teeth, hesitating for a moment before sputtering,

"Protection spell!" Mike's evil laugh came next as he moved the demogorgon closer to Dustin, urging him to throw the dice as it landed on 4.

"Damnit!" He cursed angrily, watching in vain as the monster beat him down and knocked his piece off the table.

"Will, use your sword swing!" Juniper snapped Will out of his reverie as he realised he was still staring at her, eyes widening as the monster came closer, Mike roaring dramatically once in a while.

"I swing my sword, slicing the hand of the demogorgon off as it drops to the ground." Mike makes a stupid gurgling choking sound as he wiggles the piece around on the set, Juniper snorting loudly.

"You sound like a dying moose. Stop it." She demands, still laughing. Choosing to ignore her, Mike continues,

"The demogorgon flails, its agonising screams filling the empty dungeon as the echoes reverberate around the eerie room." June slams a card into the middle of the board, yelling with her arms in the air,

"BANISHING ENCHANTMENT!" Mike freezes and looks down at the card, re-reading it and looking at her sulkily, face suddenly pale.

"Where the hell did you get that from?" The wicked grin on her face suddenly fades as she realises that she just ended the game.

And broke their chance of getting a new record.

"S-sorry... I got it earlier when we were fighting the Baluchitherium." With a deep sigh, Mike rubbed his face with his hands, scrubbing his eyes.

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