Book 1: A Hidden Past

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Note for new readers: Female Benders do not give up their last names when they marry. The daughters receive their mothers' surnames and the same with the sons and fathers. Enjoy :)

"This quest does not need another burden." Boromir said venomously as the Fellowship walked into the courtyard of Rivendell. Ara glared at the Gondorian angrily. The whole Fellowship, minus Gandalf, who was speaking to Lord Elrond, were watching the exchange nervously.

"I would not come if I could not take care of myself." she snapped.

"We do not need to be distracted by having to protect a woman." he countered stubbornly. Ara's eyes darkened and she looked as if she was about to go off on the man. Since they had met, Ara and Boromori had agreed to disagree.

"Boromir, Ara does not need protection. If anything she will be saving us." Aragorn intervined. Boromir looked thrown, but recovered quickly. He wasn't going to give up that easily.

"I'm sure Adara will." Boromir said sarcastically. He had a harsh grin on his face. Not many people were permitted to call Ara by that name, and it felt like a punch to the stomach having Boromir do so.

"I thought I asked you not to call me that." Ara growled as the others watched on. She had asked nicely just five minutes ago.

"You did. I just decided to ignore the request." Borimir asked, sounding more harsh than he intended. Ara looked livid, she wanted to punch this aragont ass in the jaw. That would teach him to disrespect her like that.

"You son of-" Ara began, but Aragorn gave her a play nice look. She summoned all of her will power and forced a fake smile.
"-Gondor. There are few people I allow to call me by my full name. Family, people I like. You are certainly not one of them." Ara spat and strode away, while she still had her emotions soemwhat in check. She had been exchanging words with the Gondorian for the past five minutes, and was overly frustrated. This rude, greedy, big-headed man was to accompany them?

Boromir and the others watched, stunned as she walked off.

"Nicely done, lad. You're just great at making first impressions, aren't you?" Gimli commented sarcastically.

"You do not have much to say, Gimli." Aragorn pointed out. The dwarf only grumbled grumpily in return.

"I don't see what the big deal is." Boromir protested.

"Of all the years I have known Ara, she has never liked being called by her full name." Legolas said softly. The hobbits looked curiously up at the ranger and elf.

"You've known her a long while?" Merry asked.

"Yes we have. I met Ara when she was just 14, and Legolas met her a year later." Aragorn explained.

"Has she changed since then?" Pippin piped in. Legolas and Aragorn exchanged glances and chuckled.

"Yes, she has. Ara used to be all legs, like a filly. She was tall and skinny, but she could fight." Aragorn said, smiling. The hobbits laughed. It was hard to imagine the Bender this way. Gimli and Boromir listened curiously. They wished to know more about the young Bender that would be accompanying them.

"What happened in that battle you told us of, Strider?" Sam asked. Aragorn's smile faded at the memory.

"Sit down. It is a long story." he ordered. The rest of the Fellowship did so, even Boromir and Gimli. Aragorn sighed and allowed his mind to drift off to when he had first met Ara. It was a day that neither of them would forget.

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