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Blennis. The princess of the Reign of the West, whose king is probably the wisest and merriest ever in the history of the kingdom, and whose queen is certainly the purest woman any of its inhabitants has ever seen. The young girl is to inherit, other than her father's wisdom and her mother's purity, the entire kingdom; however, to do so, she has to get married, something she's anything but willing to do.

Zaiden. The son of the cruel king and the devious queen of the Reign of the East. A young men who despises love and rejects the idea of ever getting married. However, he has to do so, to make sure the kingdom is in good hands. He's determinate, cunning and has quick thinking and charisma. Neither of his pretendants, in his opinion, are worth being his (possible) queen.

However, the two kingdoms, who are constantly battling against each other, may have to unite for the sake of peace. There's only one way that would make it happen: have the prince of the East and the princess of the West marry each other. Nonetheless, it's much easier said than done.

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