That boy braver than all man

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For that boy braver than all man

As people would call it
You are the clown of the class
You make everyone laugh so hard we cry
You make everyone forget the troubles behind

You are like magic
You make the darkness go away
You spilled light, it's bright, it shines
Even sadness itself smile when you're on fire

As people would call it
You're an easy going boy
You hang out with girls
More than you do with boys

You are like magic
You're disappearing in your own world
You cover your ears because of their words
You proved you're a male, a boy, a man

As people would call it
You are teased as not straight
Yet you are braver than any man I've known
For you rescued me in my own world of chaos-- renowned

You are like magic
You ride on a white horse
Held out your hand to me
And suddenly--

We found ourselves as best of friends
We found ourselves our half lives -- our story will never end

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