Chp 8: Too Broken

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Miley:(writing on her laptop some poetry hears knock at her window smiles thinking it might be Harry walks to the window and open's shades)WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?

Nick: Here to see you(sighs) we used to do this all the time(climbs in as Mile y's moves aside) 

Miley:(crosses her arms) Yeah when you were dating my friend at the same time get the hell out and just leave me alone

Nick:(walks up) Baby I love you I miss you(pulls her into a kiss)

Miley:(kisses back enjoying it but pushes him away) Get the hell out NOW(trying not to cry)

Nick: but Mi-

Miley:(remembers how hurt she was from him) GET THE HELL OUT BEFORE I GET MY GUN AND SHOOT YOUR HEAD OFF(turns away)

Nick:(knows she is a sharp-shooter) Okay I am out but know that I will not stop fighting for you(walks to her window and jumps down landing on his feet)

Miley:(drops to the floor crying from her broken heart)

Selena:(walks in with some lattes) I just got back from starbucks(sees her pulls her into a hug) Shh whats wrong?

Miley: I-I still love Nick(cries)

-Later that day on Hiley-

Miley:(sitting on Bench in park covering herself waiting for Harry to walk up)

Harry:(walks up) hey Miley(sits next o her)

Miley:(sighs) I think we really need to talk

Harry: Oh(worried sees a paper)

Miley: I wrote a poem and I want to read it to you

Harry: Read it please

Miley:(begans to read feels tears fall)

How can I love when he haunts me?

How can I love when I am not free?

How can I love when I am crying?

How can I love when I am fading?

I cannot love you like you really want.

I cannot love you when my heart he taunts.

I cannot love you when I am broken.

I cannot love you when I am still his token.

Harry:(almost wants to cry) I am guessing that you are breaking up with me 

Miley:(sniffs) yes I am so sorry I still love him and I know that you love me. I love you too, but I also love him and I cannot hurt an awesome guy like you

Harry:(hugs her) I do love you and I will wait for you because you are worth waiting for(kisses her gently) Please call me when you want me

Miley:(cries) I hate how amazing you are what did I do to even get you?

Harry:(kisses her again) You were just being yourself(walks away)

Miley:(just sits there and cries to herself hating Nick Jonas at this time) Why can't this be like John Tucker Must Die(sniffs) Oh yeah because this is the real world not a Hollywood movie

Harry:(walking away feels tears escape his eyes) I loved you(thinks of Nick) Ugh 

-Next Day in School- 

 Miley:(walks in with a hoodie covering her head not looking at anybody ignoring everybody)

Selena: Why the hell does she still miss him?(looks at Demi, Niall, and Justin) Something is really wrong with her you guys

Demi:(looks at her best friend super worried) When will she be okay?

Miley:(walks up opens her locker sees Nick walk up ignores him)

Nick: Miley(about to say something until Demi, Justin, Niall, and Selena walk up)

Selena: Step off our friend we hate your guts Nick LEAVE NOW

Nick: Miley is meant to be mine and everybody here knows it what are you jealous because I am not in love with you Selena

Selena:(angry) NO I am angry because it would be a lot easier for my friend to heal if she did not have an a** like you following her around everywhere

Miley: Guys stop just stop

N&S:(starting getting into a screaming match)

Miley:(slams her locker and run away because she hates their fighting)

Harry:(runs after her because he knows she needs him)

Miley:(crying) Why is everybody fighting why?

Harry:(standing at the doorway) Because they honestly care about you Miley

Miley:(sniffs) I am not worth much I mean Nick cheated on me with Selena she is way better than me

Harry: No in my opinion you are the most amazing girl in the entire world (pulls her into a hug and lets her cry on his chest)

Miley: You deserve somebody who will not make you wait Harry go find her because it hurts me to see you chase after me

Harry: It hurts too much not chasing after you because you are the most unforgetable girl in the entire world I mean that is why Nick is still chasing after you(kisses her head when the bell rings helps her up and they walk out of the hallway heading to their classes)

Selena:(knows Harry and Miley broke up but does not let Nick know that) She is over you Nick just get over it you hurt her and she has upgraded to a hunky British One Direction member yu are history(walks to her class with Justin)

Justin:(saws low) I thought Hiley broke up because Miley love-

Selena: Shh(just keeps walking with him)

Nick:(screams slams a locker leaving a dent in it)


Nick:(yells) FINE WHAT THE HELL EVER(walks into the office angry)

Principal: Why the hell are you putting a dent into my locker?(growls very testy right now)

Nick: Because That should be me with Miley Ray Cyrus she is the most beautiful, smartest, kindest, and epically perfect girl in I lost my chances with her(breaks down right there) I love her

Principal:(sighs) Go home Mr. Jonas take the rest of the day off I will let your teachers know but tomorrow you have detention get out

Nick:(whipes his tears walks out with his back pack angry sees Miley in the parking lot) What the-


Nick: Miley(sniffs) Why are you out here? Shouldn't you be with Harry that British Butthead?

Miley:(glares) I was crying to much and so my teacher told me to get home I broke up with Harry Fronas

Nick:(surprised) What why?

Miley:(stands up sniffs) because of you I am too Broken(climbs in her car and drives off)

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