[participants] info

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Now that you have confirmed you still want to be part of this contest, round 1 will be commencing.

Before we can start I'd like to make a very important announcement. EymiNa1 has kindly offered to translate the books of the winners of the 5 categories we have in Spanish, that's if the winner wishes to have their book translated. So that's an add on to the prizes our winners will be awarded when the contest if over. So once again I will tell you what the prizes are;

¤ F I R S T    P L A C E ¤

- A permanent follow from all the judges.
- A shout out from all the judges.
- A critique on 5 chapters of your book of entry from one of the judges.
- A translation of your book in Spanish(if you want)
- A badge for proof of your winning.

¤ S E C O N D   P L A C E ¤

-A permanent follow from all the judges.
-A shout out from one of our judges.
- A critique on 3 chapters of your book of entry by one of the judges


*The winners of the voting categories;

Best Male poc character,

Best female poc character and

Most diverse poc story plotline

will receive the following :

- A follow from all our judges
- A shoutout from one of our judges
- The book of entry will be added to our WINNERS reading list

Round 1 will be weeding out stories with bad grammar, no hook/intrigue in the first chapter and will be based solely on the first chapter of your book. First impressions count! After that, the top 5 finalists from each category will be announced and we will then move on to the second round.

The first round will commence from 22 May - 1 June.

The results from the first round will be posted on 2 June, 2017.

The second round will be a more intense reading of your books. The top 5 finalists will have their books judged according to a criteria that I have come up with. Make sure to go over your story once more and correct any minor mistakes. From the second round, the judges will come up with a Top 3 list that will make it to the next round.

The second round will commence from 4 June - 18 June

The results from the second round will be posted on 19 June, 2017.

The third round is going to be a little different. We will be opening up voting for 3 categories; best poc female character, best poc male character and most diverse poc plot line.

Anyone can vote during this time so be sure to let your friends know so they can vote for you. Judges will be allowed to vote too. But, the finalists cannot vote for themselves.

The third round [voting] will commence from 20 June - 8 July.

The results from the third round will be posted on 10 July, 2017.

The last and final round of judging will not be too long. It will be basically a popularity contest between the books. After judging according to criteria, the final round will be based on how much the judges actually liked your story. Finally, the winners & the runners up will be decided.

The third round will commence from 10 July - 18 July.

The results from the last and final round will be up on 20 July, 2017.

And prizes will be allocated to their respective recipients the next 2 weeks after the results are up.

Also, I would like you to follow the people who will be judging this contest. This is not mandatory,but it would be nice for the judges to get something in return  for their hard work;








note| if you have any suggestions/ questions. comment here.

The POC Awards 2017 // SUMMERWhere stories live. Discover now