Chapter Six

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           "Mornin' beautiful." Josh says, waking you with a feather light kiss to your cheek. " was your night?" you say still half asleep. "I had fun, how was your night with Tyler? did you guys get along?"  "Yeah he's cool we just watched Netflix and talked about you mostly." you say feeling a pain of guilt still. "oh yeah what about me?" Josh says, moving on top of you, straddling you and teasingly placing a kiss on your lips. "Wouldn't you like to know?" you tease back, kissing him back and rolling him off of you. "Come on, we got a busy day today, and all my clothes are still on the Panic! tour bus, I gotta go get dressed I'll catch you at practice." You say giving him a quick kiss, getting out of the bunk, and exiting the tour bus. 

          Tyler joined everyone at practice, being a big goof, singing along and cheering everyone on. Something about it, his innocence maybe, made your feelings of guilt die down, he won't bring it up to Josh you told yourself, he probably didn't even think anything of it.  And you can't help but notice the way Josh is watching you from behind his drums at practice, such want in his eyes like you're putting on a private show just for him instead of dancing on Brendon in a room full of people.

          "Hey babe" Josh calls, grabbing your attention on the way out of practice. "I was thinking since you didn't come out with us last night and it's the last night before tour starts, that I wanna take you out tonight, just me and you. I talked to Tyler and he's giving us the tour bus to ourselves for the night" he says with with a sexy side smile. "I'd like that." you say back flirtatiously. "Good, I just have a few errands to run, I told Tyler I'd grab him some more Redbull and what not, but I'll be back around seven-ish to take you out." 

After practice you, shower and get ready for your date with Josh, straightening your hair, doing your makeup and throwing on a simple black dress. You're excited for Josh to see you like this since you're usually just a sweaty hott mess from practice. He walks on the tour bus with a few bags throws them in the lounge and comes back with one one small bag. "Wow you look amazing!" he says, holding both your hands, standing back to look at you, making you  blush. "I gotta go get ready real fast too, but first, I got you something" he says. "oh really, what is it?" you smile. "Are you wearing panties?" he asks. "You should know by now I hardly wear panties especially when I'm around you." You tease. "Well then here put these on." He says, reaching into the bag and pulling out a pair of simple black thongs. "Wait so you want me to wear panties?" you ask sounding confused. "Just put them on, I wanna pull them off of you later." he says with a smirk. You oblige, sliding them on as Josh watches. "Good, now I'm gonna go take a quick shower and try not to think about you." He states.

          Josh emerges from the bathroom soon after, looking incredibly gorgeous, in his slim fitting black dress pants and belt, white dress skirt tucked in with the sleeves rolled up exposing the bottom half of his sleeve tattoo, and skinny black tie. "You look incredible!" you say standing up, wrapping your arms around his neck, and looking him in the eyes before giving him a long kiss. "mmmmhm... dinner first." he mumbles with a smile,breaking the kiss. "Lets get going."

          When you get to the restaurant it appears Josh had already made reservations as they escort you to a special table towards the back of the restaurant, more secluded than the other tables, and a dozen red roses waiting for you when Josh pulls out your chair for you to sit down. "Josh, this is too much, you didn't have to do all this." You say, picking them up and scooting in your chair. "I wanted too." he says sitting down and taking your hand across the table. You order food and drinks but Josh seems quiet and distracted while waiting for them to arrive. "You ok?" You ask. "Yeah sorry there's just something I've wanted to ask you about last night, but I haven"t be able to think of a way to bring it up." Fuck, Tyler told him, you think to yourself as your stomach ties itself in knots. "yeah babe what is it?" you manage to make yourself ask. "I've just been trying to figure out why my girlfriend told my best friend that she likes rough kinky sex but never told me" he spills out. He's never called you his girlfriend before and it just makes the guilt sting worse.Panicked you start rambling..."Josh, I'm sorry I didn't mean anything by it...I was drinking wine..I got kinda tipsy...It just came out ...I knew Tyler was gonna think I was being inappropriate with him...but honestly were were just watching Shameless and...." "hey, hey, hey, relax". He says "I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to come off  like I was accusing you of anything I'm not mad, Tyler wasn't ratting you out it's just that were best friends and we talk ya know, so after you left this morning to get ready back on Panic!'s bus I was asking Tyler how the night went and what he thought of you, and he said liked you and you were really cool and you guys talked about me and watched Netflix and he said that I was lucky that you were into rough kinky sex, that you had let it slip while watching Shameless, and I just had to play it off like oh yeah she totally loves that shit." He says looking at me to say something before adding, "Like I know the sex we have is hott and it's great, to me anyways but how is it for you? I just want to give you everything you want, but if you don't tell me what your into then how am I supposed to know" he says.  "Is that even a real question Josh!" you blurt out "How is it for me? You're kidding right? I squirted all over you on top of Brendon's piano do you not remember that? and I wasn't kidding when I said I've never done that before either. Sex with you is amazing Josh! Honestly I've never really even had that kinky or rough of sex before, I mean I've tried some stuff in the past but it's really more of a fantasy I've always wanted to explore more than something I've done." You admit. "Tell what you want baby I'll make it happen." He says, looking  into your eyes, making your stomach swirl with desire. "I don't know I'm open to pretty much anything I guess, within reason." You admit. "Have you ever tried anal?" he asks. "Yes." You answer. "Did you enjoy it?" He questions, his voice sounding so curious and sexy all at once. "Yes" you admit blushing, and gripping your seat. "What else baby? Tell me what you want. Have you ever fooled around in public? He asks, with a smirk on his face. "Back in highschool, but not since then." You admit. "But I wouldn't be against doing it again." You smile, half hoping he fucks you right here, because the sexual tension of this conversation is killing you. "Good." He says, biting his lip. Just then the waitress comes to the table with the food. "How's everything look? she asks "Everything looks a-MAAAZZ-ing!" you squeal out, biting your lip, and gripping the table, as a you're caught off guard by a surprise buzz filing your panites. "Are you okay? the waitress asks looking concerned. "Mmm-hmmmMMM" you respond nodding your head yes, with your lips pursed tightly as to not let any other sounds escape, and kicking Josh under the table. "Okaaaay...." she says confused as she walks away. "What the fuck was that!?" you ask as soon as shes gone. "Vibrating panties" Josh smirks, bringing his hand out from under the table wiggling the small remote in his hand. "I'm glad you didn't notice when I had you put them on earlier, it makes it that much more fun." He says. "Now start talking and tell me what you want me to do to you tonight, or I'm gonna make you scream right here in this restaurant." He demands turning the panties back on low vibration. "We already know you're a dirty slut who likes to be fucked in the ass, what else?" he says, in a low growl talking between his teeth. "I don't know Josh, whatever you want." You whine out. "oh you don't know.. you don't you know now?" He asks again through his teeth, turning up the speed. "I'm not playing start talking!"he barks. You take a second to try to compose yourself to say words without moaning loudly, the waitress already thinks you're insane. Josh gets impatient turning the speed up again. "Fuck" you moan in a whisper. "I want you to spank me". You say quickly and softly "And...." he says , turning up the speed yet again, your back arching in your chair. "And handcuff me" you speak quickly again balling the table cloth in your first. "And..." he asks still wanting more. "And choke me." you admit. Just then you notice the waitress headed back your way to check on the table, you kick Josh under the table, he sees her coming but refuses to turn down the speed. You place both your elbows on the table burying your face in your hands, knowing there's no way you can hide the look of your  approaching orgasm. "Are you sure she's all right sir?" You hear the waitress ask Josh. "Yes she's fine. I think she just had a little too much to drink, she seems to be feeling a pretty good buzz going on right now but not to worry I'll get her home safe and take real good care of her." He says with a sexy sarcasm to his voice. "Would you mind packing up our food to go?" He asks, her. "No problem sir." She says taking our plates.  Just as she walks away you feel your orgasm about to take over, you remove your hands from you face, resting  one arm on the table and burying you face in the crook of your elbow, the other hand reaching out digging your nails into Josh's tattooed arm, silently begging him to turn down the speed. He obliges, lowering it to a faint buzz enough that you still come but not scream. You're able to regain most of your composure before the waitress returns with you food. "oh hey you're looking a little better sweetie." She says. "Enjoy the rest of your night." 

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