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15 February 2017

On one of the few off days the boys would get over the course of the next few months, the Cullens hosted a baby shower for us. Of course, the whole team, including the coaches and the Lemieux family came along as well.

The decorations were all pastels and just overall baby themed. The excitement of finally finding out if we'd have a boy or a girl filled me with giddiness as I tried to hold conversation with anyone who came up to me.

We'd given the envelope containing the sex of the baby to Matt to make the surprise for us even more fun and get everyone at the shower involved.

The clink of the metal of a spoon against glass focused the attention to the middle of the kitchen. I immediately found Sid and practically waddled to him, clutching his hand in mine. Seventh months pregnant and I already looked like I was ready to pop.

"As everyone knows, the most utterly exciting part of the whole baby facade is finding out what color clothes will be bought for it until it can talk for itself." Matt joked, causing laughter to erupt from the crowd, "So, I am proud to say that the newest little addition to the Crosby family— and to the whole Penguins family— will be dawning a little pink jersey this playoff season. Congrats guys!"

I don't remember the moment exactly, as I was too overcome with excitement, but I did end up with teams streaming down my face. I hugged Sid. I think I hugged Geno. I'm pretty sure I hugged everyone who came close to me after that.

Later that night, as Sid and I finally settled down and got ready for bed, I freaked for a minute.

"We haven't picked out a baby name." I mumbled. The whole situation was so sudden for the both of us that I guess we had really forgotten about the major part of having a kid.

"What?" He asked.

"We. Haven't. Picked. Out. A. Name." I repeated. I was tired and cranky, but somehow, he had managed to put up with me.

"Well, now is better than ever. You have any ideas?"

"I like Addison. I think it's a really classic name, but Grace is up there, too. And Aria! I don't know. There are so many. I don't want the responsibility of giving a tiny human a name." I sighed.

"What about Aria Grace Crosby? It has a nice ring." He responded almost immediately.

I fell in love with it. I responded with a simple nod, "I think it's fitting."

"Aria it is then."


16 April 2017

With playoff season in full-swing, Sid was at home less and less. Being nine months pregnant, I was really discouraged from traveling much. As much as I wanted to go back and fourth to Columbus with the rest of the team, I really didn't want to have a baby in Columbus.

So I stayed back. Luckily, most of the girlfriends stayed back, since it was so early on in the playoffs. Game 3 was in Columbus and Nick Bonino's wife, Lauren, had everyone over to watch the game.

It was during the middle of the third period when it happened. I remembered the feeling vividly. It felt like I had dropped my orange juice all over myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2017 ⏰

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