In Sickness And In Death

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The day started with Brook's irritating Black Handkerchief of Happiness tune in your hearing senses. But actually, you never found it irritating; it was a very effective alarm clock for you.

You got up, and rubbed your sleepy eyes then stood up quickly, stretched your limbs, and then you got out of the room, happily jogging out of it to energize yourself up.

"Good morning Sanji-kun!" You greeted the ship's cook, and he was obviously happier to see you. "(Y/n)-chwaaannn~!! Good morning to you too! Today's breakfast is a special one. I made your favorite!"

"Wow! I can't wait! Thanks by the way," you replied, and then you climbed up onto the deck to look for everyone.

Usopp and Chopper greeted you with their childish 'Good Morning' greetings, Robin just came out of the bathroom, reminding you your daily bath routine before breakfast. So immediately, you changed your direction towards the girls' room, got out your changing clothes and towel, and headed for the bathroom.

No sooner than ten minutes, you're already done, wearing a (f/c) crop top and white shorts, in your 5-inch wedge sandals, with a wet towel on your head. And on cue, Sanji had called everyone for breakfast. You jumped and landed softly on the grassy deck, and made your way to the dining room.

Everyone was very lively, of course. Your seat was always between the swordsman you tend to call 'Aniki', Zoro, and your captain who was your super-duper heck of a crush, Luffy.

Speaking of which, "Hey, where's Luffy?"

Everyone turned to you and everyone realized it had been too quiet so far. "Yeah, come to think of it, Luffy's still not here," Nami said.

"I thought Luffy-san already woke up," Brook added. "So I didn't greet him up personally like I usually do."

"Well, he must be SU~PER tired from fishing almost everything out from the sea yesterday and overslept," Franky suggested. Everyone nodded at the suggestion, remembering the weird toy he fished out, and decided to eat ahead of him.

But something inside you made you feel that you just have to go and wake him up yourself. "I'll go wake him up." You stood up from the dining table, making your way to the men's quarters.

Softly, you knocked on the door, and then called out. "Luffy? Luffy, wake up. Let's have breakfast. Sanji-kun made your favorite meals."

But no response came. Instead, you heard a loud thud and a slight scream, startling you. You instantly opened the door, and your fear and worry only rose up when you saw Luffy on the floor, clutching his chest as he gasped for air, his face flushed with a deep red, obviously showing signs of a severe fever. His body was hot and drenched in sweat but you still crouched down and lifted him onto your body.

"Luffy?! What's wrong? Hey! Talk to me, Luffy!" You cupped his left cheek with your free hand, the other supporting his limp body. He was breathing heavily, you were scared to death.

You know he wasn't like this, he was a strong man, both physically and mentally. Now, it was if it was another person in your arms.

Not wanting to waste any more time, you called for help like there's no tomorrow. "SOMEBODY! HELP! CHOPPER! GUYS!"

The rest of the crew were startled, and instantly followed where the voice came from. "(Y/n)!!" Chopper's high voice called out for you.

"What's wr-" His statement was cut off when he saw you and Luffy.

Sanji's reaction was a freakin' nosebleed when he saw you both,and it made you realize that Luffy's face was against your breasts. Blushing madly, you pushed him farther and called Chopper, who instantly snapped out if his thoughts.

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