The Storm

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Felicity's POV

Mine and Oliver's story started when I was at a young age of sixteen. I was Thea Queen's best friend in High school. I pretty much lived at the Queen Mansion with Moira, Robert, Thea and Oliver. Well Oliver was there either when he was sleeping or getting ready to go out and party. That's where Tommy Merlyn comes into the picture. Tommy and Oliver where always together, they always partied together and they even worked together.

Verdant. Verdant is where most of the drama happened. I had had a huge crush on Oliver Queen since I was sixteen. When I moved to Starling City with my mom and step-dad, I wasn't in the best part of my life. The only reason we had moved from Vegas to California as because of my real dad. He had left when I was five. He had tried to do things to me but my mom had walked in just in time.

We had gotten the police involved, obviously. He was sentenced to five years in prison which definitely was not enough time. When I was seven, my mom finally got re-married. Graham was and is so amazing to me. I was a scared seven-year-old with a broken mother. He fixed my mom and our lives were good again.

It was all going amazing until my father was released from prison. For the five years he was out of prison, it was like he was a ghost to the world. Until I turned fifteen. It was a beautiful night in Vegas and my mom and Graham had arranged for a night out with a few of my friends for my birthday. We were sat in a restaurant when we saw him. He had a cigarette half in his mouth and he smelt like alcohol. He was slowly walking up to him and even when he was five meters out, I could smell the horrific stench of his breath and clothing.

before he could get any closer to me, my boyfriend at the time, Cooper, stepped right in front of me. He was trying to protect me. My father, didn't take it too well though. He told Cooper to get out of his way so he could finish what he started ten years ago. That's when Graham made his move. My step-dad punch my father square in the jaw which lead to him on the floor with his hand on his jaw. I haven't seen him since.

After that, my mom and Graham started to save up so we could move away from Vegas. I didn't want to stay there anymore. I was sixteen by the time we had saved up to move and I couldn't have been more excited. Graham had managed to transfer to the main Queen Consolidated building.

Back in Vegas, Graham had worked in one of their smaller offices as an IT assistant. That's where I got my love for computers from. When my mom had told me that we'd be moving to Starling City, I had been so god damn happy. For months and months all I would talk about was Starling City. One day, in school, one of my best friends had brought up the fact that two of the most notorious playboys, lived in Starling. When she had told me about Oliver Queen and Tommy Merlyn, I had never thought that I would actually meet them. Well, I had a little hope that I might meet the famous Oliver Queen when Graham's transfer got accepted. The thought of Oliver Queen made my heart flutter.

Starling City had been everything that I had expected it to be. It was beautiful and the school was amazing. Even though for the first few months I didn't really have any friends, I was still enjoying school. It wasn't until one day, I was waiting for Graham inside of Queen Consolidated, that I had actually made a friend. That was the day I had met Thea Queen. Thea had been talking with her father about getting her friend's brother, a job. On her way out she had accidentally bumped into me and we immediately clicked.

After I had met Thea, my school life had gotten even better. We were always together and I remember the exact moment when I met Thea's older brother. Oliver was five years older than me and Thea so when I had first met him, what I had with him was just a little crush and I'm pretty sure he knew exactly how I felt about him.

The first time me and Oliver properly interacted was in the summer after my eighteenth birthday and me and Thea were just chilling out at the pool when Oliver and Tommy turned up. Thea had had a massive crush on Tommy Merlyn for as long as she could remember so when both of the boys stripped naked and jumped in the pool, we were very speechless.

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