Readers' Questions Dedication' Page

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This was part of our project. These are questions that we have answered to help you understand the character more.


Where does your character live?

Our character happily lives in her dream house; also known as her mansion. The mansion is located off the coast of a long sandy beach in the Cardigan Bay sited in Barmouth, Wales. (Region- Northwest Wales) Our character believes it is a blessing to have the ability to walk out of her home on any day given and explore the warm sand, cool breeze, and gentle water of the Cardigan Bay.

Where is your character from?

Our character grew up in a mobile home in grassland near a naval base with no mother and a very poor father. Even though our character received little education, even at a young age, her brain was a sponge and soaked up any information that she could gather. Her father was a master naval officer and her mother died, from bacterial meningitis, at the age of 3. (Her mother was 29 when death fell upon her) Our character's father struggled to have food on the table and a roof over his daughter's head due to the fact that the money he received from the navy was not adequate. After many years, (5) of hardships and the brink of foreclosure numerous of times, her dad received a grant of 3 million dollars due to his heroic actions in a key battle verses the Scotts. This small family decided to leave behind all they had been through and moved to Barmouth, Wales where they began their new life on the sandy coastline. This is where her story began.

How old is your character?

Our character is 16; her birthday is December 19, 2004. The year is 2020.

What is your character called?

Our character's full name is: Gwyn(eth) Harper Edmunds

What does your character look like?

Gwyneth has a rare and natural beauty. From her cerulean colored eyes, to her oval face, rosy cheekbones, and defined jaw line, to her high arched hazelnut eyebrows, to her flawless milky skin, and even to her glowing smile with gleaming straight teeth, she looks as if she was crowned princess. The gentlemen always greet Gwyneth with a grin or wink when she passes by them in town. Her iridescent chestnut hair falls right above her broad shoulders. Along with the perks of being slender, our character has a fast metabolism. Gwyn walks as if she were in a fashion show-gracefully; with her shoulders back, chin up, and her long smooth strides. Plus she stands on the earth at 68 inches, which is very rare in her Welsh community.

What kind of childhood did she have?

Gwyn's childhood is mentioned in question 2. Our character, even with miserable childhood memories, is always laughing and enjoying the mere beauty of Nature. Gwyneth is well-rounded. Alongside with her brilliance; (guys comment that she has a way with words) she loves to play the violin and harp, draw sketches of her environment, and create short stories and journal entries. Gwyn is well-liked by people in her community. Although dealing with a case of being shy, Gwyneth loves to create smiles peoples' faces. She is known to be generous and simply kind-hearted to those around her.

How does your character deal with conflict and change?

Since she, having to overcome difficult challenges as a child, has learned to handle situations convenient to her. When she is in a disagreement she lets the person blow out his/her steam, and often keeps her negative feelings to herself. Although Gwyneth introverted, people enjoy that she is true to herself. Gwyn is exceedingly respected, trusted, and loved by those around her.

Who else is in your character's life?

Even though Gwyn with her stunning beauty, optimistic attitude towards life, and her various talents, she is often too shy to befriend anyone. Although she introverted, people enjoy that she is true to herself. Gwyn is exceedingly respected, trusted, and loved by those around her. In a conclusion; no one besides her well-admired father.

What is your character's goal or motivation in this story?

Gwyneth's motivation is living a life in full respect of her mom. Gwyn wishes to have her mother around, but she puts much energy on making choices that would please her mom. Her life, on the other hand, is focused just as much on overcoming hardships and moving forward; not dwelling on her past mistakes and hardships.


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