I'm a teen distortion, survived abortion. A rebel from the waist down.

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Frank exhales into the beauty's hair, feeling sparks fly under his skin lightly every time he touches the small boy. They fade now, both of their wolves calming at their mates touch.

Anthony holds a sleeping Jamia, laid on his back with her restless form on his front. She clutches a small cut piece of plaid, the feeling of sorrow readable of her face.

The omega in Frank's arms had held and nurtured her until she closed her eyes, broken down and exhausted. Frank watched in awe, coming behind him and, with the help of his brother, pulling him and J up onto the golden bed. He now sleeps, small pointed nose buried in Frank's shirt and body heavy.

Betas walk on soft feet through the halls, collecting personal items to return to the innocent of the Way pack. They leave the office for Frank and Anthony to a sort out. Some stop to look through the ajar door at a sleeping Gerard, eyes still wide and surprised in his presence.

Gerard sighs in his sleep when the younger twin runs a hand through his long hair, it's warmth traveling down his back and up again.

Frank doesn't let himself smile, but allows the small jolt of happiness spike from watching his brother and chosen mate. His eyes fall back to Jamia, full of pity and hatred for the ones who took her mate away. The same people who held his own from him.

He knew, he knew from that moment in the clearing. The little brown wolf was meant to be his, and nothing was going to stop that.


Gerard breathes softly, smiling and nuzzling into the firm chest against his face. Warmth surrounds the teen, calling him back to the abyss of sleep.

Calloused fingers rubs his cheek comfortingly, and Gerard blinks his eyes open to see what amazing being took the time to cradle him like this.

Brown-ish hazel eyes crinkle with a smile, and Gerard smiles too. He's dopey off of sleep, and loose in all the right places in the comfy position.

In the back of his head, a distinct voice screams mate over and over again in a chorus until the word becomes a banter of odd syllables.

It's the alpha from the jeep, Gerard's brain reminds him quickly in the mist of its inner rambling. The teen blinks slowly, dropping his head back down again and nuzzling up into the neck of the alpha. Where his scent is strong and thick.

Hands card through his greasy hair, pulling the black strands back and rubbing at Gerard's scalp while the other hand rubs his back.

Jamia sighs, rolling in the small bed space between Frank and Anthony. She still clutches the fabric material to her chest.

Frank exhales and lets his head tip back, feeling the small sense of serenity in being with his closest family.

"W-where are we?" Gerard mumbles into his chest, sweat shirt sleeves balled over his fists.

"Your old pack house." Anthony replies softly, rolling over to curl around Jamia and face the mates. His tan hand reaches over her to rub over Gerard again.

"Old pack." The omega repeats in a whisper, watching the beta's arm with a small smile.


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