
450 8 6

Demon/Dragon/God speaking = "DIE!"
Demon/Dragon/God thought = 'DIE!'
Human Speaking = "DIE!"
Human thinking = 'DIE!'
Magic Skill or spell = "Shinigami Secret Art: GO TO HELL BITCH"

History of The Dragneels

Before the Frenzy Virus War. The Dragneel clan was once considered the Weakest Dragon clan of all of Earthland, That consideration was stopped by a newborn member, Shantien (A/N: He is the only Dragon that i can think of), The Calamity Dragon. After so many opponents(Dragon Kings or Queens, Demon Kings, Gods, and Primordials) he fought. He earned his Title, The Blue Calamity Dragon God.

After several years passed, He fell in love with a Human Woman and had 2 Children. All of the opponents except for the Dragon kings knew of this and decided that they should take their revenge. When Shantien was away. They Brutally tortured the Woman and killed her. Shantien felt something wrong and went to his lover as fast as he could and saw his Lover and second child Die right in front of him. All of his Enemies except the Dragon Kings was about to kill his last child. He attacked all of them with all of his Strength and Won. He was almost dead because of using his full power too much. He casted an Incarnation spell on his Second child and a Teleportation spell on his surviving child to a Safer Place that he does not even know.
The Last thing he will do is to tell his Closest Friend, Disufiroa to tell the Last Command of Shantien to the other Dragons who sworn their loyalty to him. To Treat the Dragneel Clan like its Shantien himself.

As a hundred years passed. The Dragneel clan's Dragon Population greatly decreased and the Half breeds of Humans and Dragons increased.
More humans got along with the Halfbreeds, making their children more human than Dragon. It was slowly decreasing the Dragons in them.......The End.

The Dragneel Residence=Morning

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN MY SON'S CARRIAGE WAS ATTACKED!?" A Black haired Woman wearing an expensive Black and Gold Yukata Roared like Godzilla 2014 at the poor messenger.
(her name is Alice Dragneel)

There were 2 Girls who were holding back the Woman from unleashing an Atomic breath to the poor messenger

"Mom, please calm down. I know you want to torture the bandits like i wanted to but don't put your anger on the messenger" The Blonde haired girl(11 years old) said while holding her Mom's waist like her life depended on it.

"I have to agree with Meguri-nee, Mama-sama" A white haired girl who looked liked she was 9 years old agreed emotionlessly while holding the arms of her mother.

"Meguri-nee, Fia-chan, Help me restrain Zeref-nee" A Purple Haired girl(she's the younger twin of meguri) said while writing more Draconic runes around a Black haired girl with a strip of red hair(12 year old).

The Zeref mumbled darkly with red glowing eyes"Let me Go Marina......Nothing will stop me from finding Natsu-kun.........I will kill those bandits and make them lick the soles of my shoes."

"What is going on here?" A White Haired boy(16 years old) comes from the back door with 1 butler and 1 maid behind him.

Meguri said "Ryos-nii, Mom is trying to put her anger on the messenger and Zeref-Nee is trying to find the Bandits"


"Natsu-chan's Carriage was attacked by bandits in the misty peaks."

Ryos looked at her blankly and then......
"NATSU-OTŌTO, IM GOING TO SAVE YOU!!" He shouted while trying to go through the Front door. Keyword: Trying

"M-Master, please don't go to the misty peaks without even thinking."
The Maid said while Holding their Master back with the butler.

Ryos realized something "Wait, Where's Lily-chan?" as all of them froze, obviously forgetting about the youngest sibling of the Dragneel family.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2017 ⏰

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