Chapter One

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“It is your Mission to get to the package first before any enemies get there. Do you accept?”

“Hell yeah.” I reply. Walking and taking a seat next to a nice black polished desk that happened to be mine with glass soundproof walls all around me.

“Now. The package is a highly dangerous package you need to steal from a the Assassins base. This is a drug that can make you die within seconds if not taken properly. We need this drug to kill our enemies. Understood?”

I nodded. “Yes. Understood.” Slowly standing up to stomp out of there and into a car that was highly noticeable. I wasn't driving sadly but my very close friend that I had made was. His name was Bad Brad. I have no idea why he gave him that name but I thought it was so sweet.

“Where to?” He asked me in a very deep voice. Which was so cute because I knew his voice was very high pitched.

Closing the door right behind me while seated in a leather seat right next to him. One hand was on the steering wheel the other one was on his lap that was wrapped in gray sweats. He wore sweats with black and white Nike air sneakers and a black sleeved shirt.

Most of the time he wore that outfits but when he felt risky he would put on some black jeans when he was killing someone of course. But sadly he was only driving.

The car drove off in a flash. “So. What will this ‘secret weapon’ be? Did the big scary boss lady tell you?”

I shook my head. “No. All I know is that it's a very deadly drug that can come handy. Now keep driving till I tell you to stop.”

“Yes Ma'am.”


I'm running. Running towards the elevator that just happened to open. Must be my luck. Standing there with my reflection staring right at me. Black blue hair that was in a high ponytail with a black leather coat that reached the ground, worn out black combat boots, a pair of black shorts and a normal sleeved shirt underneath.

I could hear a lot of ruckage outside the elevator which made me worry a little. Pulling out two long shiny blades that glistened and gleamed like stars. It was so pretty. The doors slowly opened revealing five men that held guns at me. “Freeze!” One of them shouted shakily.

It just made me smirk. They seemed to be pretty weak so I rushed towards them and swung my body around with my swords flying in the air slashing and slicing bodies high and low.

By the time that I could steady myself on my feet the five men lay scattered on the ground in their own blood whilst I stood at the other door across from the elevator to the drug nice and clean with no drop of blood on me.

“What's the code?” I ask.

Now I have the big boss's voice in my head calling out a number. “420”

I raise a brow but then put the pin in. It buzzes then unlocks. “Seriously?”

Stepping through to see that the room was entirely empty. This room was huge but there was no furniture or anything. This building had to be six storeys high. There were some huge glass windows that looked out to the city. And since there was only one way in then no one will be coming.

There was a briefcase on the desk.

Which kinda looked sketchy.

But I still went to it. “There's a briefcase in there. Take it and leave. There might be traps so be careful.” She said in a stern voice.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2017 ⏰

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