week seven stars

167 4 40

A G E N D A:

🌠Leave constructive criticism comments on ONE chapter each of your partners story!
🌠Start each chapter with #ISBC or #InterstellarBC
🌠Comment when you are finished with your assignments, Big Dipper, and Little Dipper and mention what chapters you have read. For example:
Done with Polaris: @partnersname Chapters 1 & 2
Done with Big Dipper- Prologue & Chapter 1
Done with Little Dipper- Chapters 7 & 8 @username

🌠If you are going to change your username or book, please message us first
🌠Assignments must be finish Wednesday, May 17th at 12:00 PM CST

🌟BIG DIPPER goes to DragonKnight_ with their book "he Final Heist: Lost Will of the Dead".  You are required to read TWO chapters of this book for Book Of The Week.

Note: if you are paired with this person, read four IN ALL.

You are required to read two chapters. Remember, if you are paired with her, read four chapters since two counts as the assignment and the other two count as BOTW.

✨ Little Dipper goes to Precious2024 with her book "The Killer Obsession"
Read TWO parts of this book. If you're paired, read 4.

You can get extra reads and votes from the WHOLE club by participating in the Nebulas or weekly activities.

Week 5 Pending;
Vixeeey56 all
firedance_icesong all
Silvermoon23 all

Week 6:
trasholic- given extension

Remember everyone, you read TWO CHAPTERS​ of EACH person you are grouped with. TWO FOR BOTH Dippers. If you are paired with the dipper, add TWO MORE CHAPTERS. FOUR IN TOTAL for each.

🌟 Polaris 🌟
loyallyric 🌠--Inspiration--
"My Artist" ⭐ "If I Leave"

🌟 Sirius 🌟
DragonKnight_ 🌠 BlacK_LoveS_Me
"The Final Heist: Lost Will of the Dead" ⭐ Death | I Wish Some Things Will Last Forever

🌟 Antares 🌟
YASMINAjaz 🌠 RavensAndAshes
"Dangerous Billionaire" ⭐ The Gate Keeper"

🌟 Regulus 🌟
will_hushy 🌠 mitsangel
"Candyfloss: A Dialogue Story" ⭐ "It's Not Love"

🌟 Pleiades 🌟
ApolloPhanaeus 🌠 rciii1996
"Ghosts of Camelot" ⭐ "Kidnapped and Wanted"

🌟 Regulus 🌟
Precious2024 🌠 ArikaiHappyLady
"The Killer Obsession" ⭐ "Better To Fly With You"

🌟 Aldebaran 🌟
LoveNeverDies13 🌠 --Inspiration--
"Moonlight Desires" "It's Called Surviving"

🌟 Andromeda 🌟
janeeMariee 🌠 StalkersAdmirer
"Rise Up And Above" ⭐ "The Bad Boy Is Mine"

🌟Alpha 🌟
shadowQiii 🌠 TimelessDeductions
"The Big Secret" ⭐ "A Psychopath's Mind"

🌟 Canopus 🌟
Dark_Floppy 🌠 applaudmebish
"The Consciousness Fundamentalist" ⭐ "Going Back To Ikaris"

If there's any issues or questions please
L tag my account _brebabe_.

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