Author's Note

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So, first, Watchout4Snakes tossed me the random phrase "preventable dudes" (which was, by the way, hilarious, and justifies the existence of Watchout4Snakes for all time). Next thing I know, I'm encountering a million internet articles about dudedom and sexism. Articles about mainsplaining, articles about how the defining traits of a male anti-hero make a female protagonist "unlikeable," articles about pick-up artists, so-called men's rights activists, red-pillers, and "men going their own way."

Of course, this may just be selection bias. It's not like I don't encounter articles like that when Watchout4Snakes isn't uncannily on point. I just notice them more.

Cover art attributions: School bus photo by Die4kids (Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0) via Wikimedia Commons; wine glasses photo by Agnali (CC0/Public Domain) via

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