he seems cool

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Clems POV
Wow... Just... Wow
Theas people are just so calm,
I was walking along the fence, a twig snapping or a any slight noise would cause my head to whip round and me pull out my knife,
There was a slight twig snap, I spun and saw it was a boy my age with a hat, he also had brown eyes and hair.
"So, your worried about 'em to"
"Yep, I just can't get over the feeling of 'i need to protect my self and my brother from walkers and people' out of my head"

"My dad acts like this is a utopia a safe haven, but, its not, not even close"
"Yeah, its like, he doesn't see the half a dozen walkers outside"
"Never caught your name"
"Clementine Everrett"
"Carl Grimes"

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2017 ⏰

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