Sick Days Part 3

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Alfred woke up for the third time that day, it was about two in the afternoon. He felt like his stomach was doing flips inside of him. "Huuurrrrggg..." He groaned. Ivan sat his knitting down and leaned forwards to him. "What's wrong sunflower?" He brushed damp hair away from his forehead. Alfred teared up some and curled around his tummy. "Are you going to be sick?" Ivan stood up quickly. Alfred nodded and covered his mouth. Ivan ran and got the small trash can in the corner of the room. He rushed back to Alfred and gently pulled him to lean over the trash can. Alfred immediately threw up. Tears ran down his face as he retched. It was about ten minutes before he finally stopped. He shakily sat up and flopped back down. Ivan sighed and sat the trash can aside. He ran a hand through Alfred's hair and kissed his forehead. He stood up and picked up the rag that fell off of his his head. He stood up and walked back to the kitchen. Alfred whined at this and closed his eyes. Ivan returned with a fresh washcloth for his head and one to clean him up some. He gently wiped Alfred's mouth clean and tilted his head up. He pressed a straw to his lips and Alfred took a few sips before spitting the straw out. Ivan sighed. "You should drink a bit more Alfred, you'll get dehydrated." Alfred just clenched his jaw shut. He sat the cup aside and laid Alfred back down, replacing the cloth on his forehead. Alfred sighed and closed his eyes. " 'don't f'l g'd" he muttered. "I know, you'll be better soon, I promise." He said softly. Alfred whimpered and sniffled. "I-I want daddy and papa..." Ivan sighed, slightly hurt, but he knew that they always took care of him so it's only reasonable. "Do you want me to call them...?" Alfred cracked his eyes open and sighed. "" Ivan kissed his forehead again. "If you need them I'll call them." Alfred just held his arms. "...j'st hold me..." He mumbled. Ivan crawled in on his side and pulled him up into his lap. Alfred sighed in relief and leaned into his chest. He fell asleep again as Ivan rocked him gently.
In this book several things will be in parts, some just oneshots. Just an FYI.

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