Miss Hunger Gamer

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1. About answering questions, why do you answer? To impress or to express? Why?

-Of course, to express, if people are impress then that's given. hahaha...

2. Whom do you admire most? In what way does that person inspire you?

-I have so many inspirations in live. In writing? Si Bob Ong, in singing? Si Juris, in dancing? Ang G-force, in working? My family, in living? Myself...

They serves as my motivation simply because they excel in such fields and my family has always been my inspiration for no unexplainable reason

3. If you are not to be crowned as Mr. or Ms. Wattpad Heart, who among your co-competitors do you think deserves the crown?

-I think, all of us deserve to be given the chance to be crown. Why? ‘Cause in our own different ways, we can share and inspire others. We don't have to be pretty nor famous to share love and kindness to each and every one. I, thank you!

4. Do you feel you have much impact on the lives of the people you come in contact with? In what way could you be a role model for the youth of today?

-I’m just a normal and an ordinary girl like the others, I can maybe inspire them but so they are to me. I’m not perfect, not even close, I have flaws and I always commit mistakes, then how can I be a role model to the youth? Well, by learning what’s wrong and right based on what I’ve experienced. By teaching them to explore life and reach for your goals. You might get busted or fail today but that surely makes you a better and a matured person someday.

5. What's the primary problem the youth is facing now? And why do you say so?

- For me? It has always been education. It’s not just a problem of today but a problem that we encounter generation by generation. A very basic need of living is food and shelter which you can only provide if you have the money. And earning money isn’t possible when you have lack of education plus you’ll learn manners and good behavior if you’re an educated person.

6. CHOOSE. The one who loves you or the one you love? Why?

-The person I love. You will never be happy being with the person you don’t love. You’ll just fool yourself of something isn’t true and you are also fooling the person your with and that’s unfair. I’m masochist so that’s not going to be a problem ^-^

7. Towards the one you love do you consider yourself to be a giver or a taker? Why?

-Both!! When you love, you help each other, you will give what he don’t have, you will be the strength of his weakness, and bla… bla.. bla…

8. Which sex do you think has it easier in our culture? Have you ever wished you were of the opposite sex?

-No! I’m happy for what I am and who I am.

9. Is it more important to be liked or respected, and why?

-To be respected. I am very much aware that we cannot please everybody and the least that you can ask for is respect. I don’t need likers who doesn’t respect it insults my ego and dignity.

10. What constitutes a "gentleman" today?

-I don’t see any gentleman today. Hahaha peace men! I am not generalizing, it’s just purely my observation and my opinion. No need to overact!

"Pain is part of living and loving." 

-I will give you a very simple yet meaning explanation to that (Just think deeper)…. You will never appreciate life and love without hurting! That’s all thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2014 ⏰

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