Gaia Everwood

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"Munchkin, hurry up!! The flight to Indy is leaving soon!!" My mom screams up the stairs of our 100 year old home.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm on my way Mum!" I holler back, grabbing my deep green twin suitcases and rushing down the creaky carpeted stairs.

I'm on my way to the prestigious Marion Grove Summer Camp down in Indianapolis. Every year they hold the extremely challenging Marion Games, where we're all made to compete in sporting events for $1000 as a prize for the winner. This years theme is Ice Skate International, where we have to create a short program and free skate and perform it at the end of the four weeks.

I'm super excited because I've skated since I was in kindergarten, and I've never actually seen It Indiana. I've heard that not much happens there and it's probably true. You never hear anything exciting is going on except for the Indy 500, and who really cares about some cars racing around a track anyways?

Me and my mom head out to her red 350Z convertible (go look up a photo) that my dad got her for her birthday this year. I still remember the way her dark brown features lit up the night she got it. I think to myself, unconsciously grinning at the thought. We load up my bags and sink into the short, two seater car. Mom rolls down the roof with little difficulty as I hug my green and white hoodie to my small chest.

As we take off down the road, I admire the greenery surrounding us until we get to the highway. I've never noticed until now how much I loved how sectioned off our large house was from the rest of the street by the greenery that surrounded it. As we hit a high speed, I adjust my large lime green headband to cover my ears. I don't know what it is, but I've always preferred the sound of birds chirping by a slow stream over the sound of semis and trucks clattering along beside you, as you hear the howl of artificial wind in your ears.

I glance over at my mom and study her features until we get to the airport. Her large milk chocolate brown eyes and petite facial features. Her beautiful smile and short, curly brown hair with small blond highlights. And then I check myself out in the rearview mirror. My bright green eyes that grow a stormy grey sometimes (which I've never fully understood) my similar petite facial features to my moms, my large deep brown puff of hair with a single green streak. People say I look so much like my mom, though I highly disagree. I think to myself.

"Muuuunchkin? Come on we're here." My mom says, waving her chocolate hand in front of my face to snap me out if my trance. "Right." I grab my bags and hurry through airport customs and the cafe (grabbing plenty of Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers with extra bacon for the trip). When my flight is called, I hug mom goodbye, tolerate a couple of words on how to behave in Indy, and hurry up towards the check in. Since I knew my suitcases would be down in the cargo hold, I brought my black and green backpack with me (where my burgers are stashed heheh).

I take my seat and quickly scarf down a burger before anyone has the chance to see me.
I'm staring out of the window at the small specks of orange and green workers, making a game of trying to find my bags (I know it's childish but I'm bored) when a boy about my young age of 14 sits down next to me. He's got short platinum hair (you know, like Viktors from Yuri On Ice) and bright violet eyes.

"You headed to Marion Groves too?" He asks.

"Yep! Excited for Skate International? I sure am, I've roller bladed since kindergarten and I love skating in general. How about you?" I say quickly. Shut up Gaia! I can feel myself blush, but luckily he can't tell because of my warm hot chocolate complexion.

He chuckles a graceful chuckle, "I sure am." A wistful look appears in his eyes, "That feeling you get when you land a jump, the crisp sound of the ice as you glide across it, I LOVE IT!" He blushes, clearly embarrassed from the looks he got as he yelled out that last part.

He's so adorable when he blushes... No Gaia, don't think like that!

I smile at him and chuckle, "Say, what's your name?" bringing a hand up to cover my lips.

"Grayson, for some strange reason, when I was little I got the nickname Windbreaker, which somehow changed to Windy, so I guess you can call me that." He says, shrugging and chuckling nervously. What he says next is awe striking. "What's yours, beautiful?" He covers his mouth and blushes. So do I. My heart rate speeds up immensely.

"W-what a b-beautiful name. I'm Gaia Everwood. Very nice to meet you." I say, sticking out my other hand for him to shake. My heart, it's going insane!

Instead, he encases it in his hand and to my great surprise, he kisses it. His soft, warm lips create a tingly feeling on my hand. I blush and look away. I've only known him for a couple seconds, but it seems he's already stolen my heart, and it doesn't look like he's going to give it back any time soon.

I feel my ears heat up and my heart beat faster than the speed of light. He looks up, still holding my hand. "That's a beautiful name." He says, looking at me wistfully with those beautiful eyes. I'm still astounded, my mouth agape. He then gazes out of the window, amazement overcoming his sharp features. He leans over me and peers expectantly out of the window.

"The sky, is it always this beautiful?" I take a peek. Its magnificent. I've been on a plane before, but I've never seen the sky like this! I gasp. The sunset is a fading rainbow from red to orange to yellow to violet.

"I must admit, I've been on multiple planes before and I've never seen the sky do this!" I reply. I glance over at him, he's so adorable when he's amazed! I giggle.

"Whaaaat?" he says, putting on a fake pouty face. Dang it Windy, be astonished again! You were too adorable!

"It's nothing, trust me." I say, shaking my head and smiling. " I scarf down another burger from my bag, getting a strange look from those around me, including Windy.

After some more discussion about ourselves, and about 2 hours into the flight, I say, "I'm gonna fall asleep. We've got a long day in the morning. Wake me up at the end of the 5 hours, kay?" I say, closing my eyes and leaning back in my comfy blue chair.

"Of course...princess." were the last words I heard before drifting off.

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