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(JuliannaLizarraga read the bottom)

"Fredo all I want is some chocolate ice cream."

"Well you can't have any it is 10 in the morning, you will have a blue berry muffin. Then we will bring back some for Justin."


"No buts Meredith Foster."

"Yow know what fine. I only came with you becasue I'm letting Justin sleep in late since he had a late concert last night."

"Take that back," Fredo said in a high pitched girl tone."


I'm only here at this bakery, becasue no one us was awake from this tour, but some how I found Fredo taking pictures of the sunrise and I dragged him down here to get food with me.

"Find I don't need you."

I pulled up my Snap Chat and started recording our daily fake fights. "You don't need me Fredo? I created you, I don't know what your going to do with out me."

"You created me? I will have you know I created myself. Well actually my parents did. But you know what I mean." He yelled laughing at the end.

"Okay we got to go, people are looking at us weird again," and with that I threw down some money and we left out the door.

Back at the hotel I ditched Fredo when we get to my floor, becasue I put my floor in first.

Justin was sitting up on the couch laughing at Sponge Bob making Kraby Patty's and making Squidward mad.

"Hey babe, how long have you been up?"

"Just a few minutes. Where were you?"

"Eating a bakery having fake fights with Fredo."


"Yeah it was fine."

"Any paps?"

"Only a few."

"That's good babe. Come sit down with me."


All of us fit into Justin and I's room and we all sat in front of the laptop and started at the time waiting for the song to go up.

I was sitting on Justin's lap and Quavo, Khaled, Chance, and Lil Wayne was sitting there too though Quavo and Chance the Rapper were standing.

"Count down." Scooter shouted, "Now."






"I'M THE ONE," they shouted. And of course Alfredo was recording for our daily SC videos.

"Congratulations babe."

"Thank you Mere. I'm glad you're here with me.

The guys were filming us when we went in for the kiss then Quavo ran up to us.

"My mama calledddddd."

I jumped off of Justin and pulled out my phone as a micro phone.

"Said you on t.v son."

"Said shit done changed."

And we kept going back and forth and everybody got this on their Snap Chat and Instagram stories, even Justin and Scooter.

And when we got to Quavo's rap part I started rapping.

When we were done everybody was clapping.

"I'm signing Quavo," shouted.

"No fair," Scooter shouted back.

Then everybody started yelling who was going to sigh me. And in the mix of this Justin hugged me from behind.

"I don't know why they are messing around and fighting when they already no who really gets the first pick,

"I love you babe,"

"I love you too," he said kissing me.


Sorry for the short cruddy chapter.

Thank you @JuliannaLizarraga for commenting, this chapter was for you. And I'm sorry I didn't see your comment till today. I was so happy when I saw your comment, becasue you made me actually know someone was really reading my story.


Comment. Like. Follow for the next chapter guys thank you. Peace.

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