Chapter 5 The date

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~Morning yuki pov~
I went ate breakfast we had a break today so I instead trained sasuke to get him stronger for what the future needs him to do and to be a very powerful uchiha then they had to go and do chunin exams so me and Kakashi were left alone for a week of rest I went to visit the grave the k.i.a stone and my parents grave it was terrible each time I had to see the grave but I know mom and dad would not want me to be crying so I had to stay strong kakashi comfort me each day "Hey yuki wanna go on date with me"kakashi asked I said "OF COURSE I WOULD GO ON A DATE WITH YOU!!!!!"I dint know what type of question did Kakashi asked I felt embarrassed though because the way I answered was like too exiting and too over dramatic we were going somewhere I dint know were so I got dressed I tried to look like kakashi with a mask

Now I was ready to go I know he was there he said he would be early then I see a trail of candles
It was pretty then I got to the end then I saw kakashi we had amazing time
~Kakashi Pov~
Ima ask her to be my girlfriend but im worried she will say no I know she told me she loved me but I really dont know she does look pretty tonight "Y-Yuki W-Will Y-You B-Be M-My
G-Girlfriend?"I said she had a smile on her face I think I was blushing what is wrong with me
~Yuki Pov~
"Kakashi YES I WILL BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND MILLION TIMES YES"I said we had kissed under the stars then he gave me a ring he had one also I went home happy today was the best day of my life first friends now we in took it into a relationship but does not matter to me as long we are happy I wont care what people say or anything else
~Author's Note~
Sorry that its soooo short I tried anyway comment and vote stay safe and watch out on whats on the internet💖

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