Are you with me? Naruto fan fic

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hey so this is my first fan fic/book ive done on here, so im new. i own all of the charaters that are not in naruto, including my main, Eiko Miyuzo, and the Miyuzo Clan so dont take it from me, i also own Harumi(you will find out about her later)

 ok so tell me how you guys like it, be honest because i would love to make the story better for you or any clarification. THANKS FOR READING!!! love you all who enjoy my story! and please tell me if you like it! i would really appreciate it!!


                                                                Chapter 1

"Come on!" Sasuke yelled at me while we were running.

"I'm coming!" I squeeked as I tripped and fell on my face causing my nose to bleed a little bit.

Sasuke grabbed my little wrist and we ran. Itachi was destroying our family.

"Sasuke! What is he doing?!" I yelled. "Everyone is dying!" I screeched, yanking my hand out of his grasp and bolted toward a building hiding behind it.

"NO EIKO!!! COME BACK!!" Sasuke screamed, running towards me, but Itachi came out stopping him from reaching me. He said something to him but I couldn't read his lips as Sasuke just stood in fear.

Itachi walked calmly passed me, and lifted up a large boulder with ease, and stepped into the earth revealing a staircase.I quietly tip toed in being as careful as I could. I was afraid to breathe, thinking that he would here even the slightest sound.

He strode past me and in front of him, was a deep purple color scroll. Itachi picked it up, maliciously grinning, and went right back up the staircase and left.

A minute or two went by before I  ran of the cave, and ran, and ran, into the forest, never looking back. But I realized something.

"Sasuke." I whispered, crumpling to the ground. I cupped my face into my hands and sobbed. 

I must have cried myself to sleep because I was woken up by the crunching of leaves. I sat straight up. A woman stood in front of me in a black cloak with red clouds or a flower like patteren on it. She had blue hair and a lip peircing, with a paper flower in her hair.

"Hi there." she said to me in a friendly voice, clearly seeing that I was scared. "Whats your name?" she asked me.

I looked at her with widened eyes. "Eiko Miyuzo." I whispered. "and yours?

"Just call me Konan." she replied.

"Where are you from?" she looked at me with kind eyes.

I didn't say anything, because I didn't have a home.

She cocked her head to the side. "Well?"

"I dont have a home." I answered her not looking at her but at the ground.

"How old are you?" she kept the questions coming.

I noticed she had a kuani on her. I reached for one, hoping she wouldnt notice, but with no avail, she did.

"And you are doing what?" she asked me rasing an eyebrow.

" I want to cut my hair. Please just let me see it." I pleaded.

She was thinking, and handed me one.

I took my hair in my hand and, reached for the kunai, and sliced my long dirty blone hair up to my shoulders before I could regret it. I was hoping I didnt look anything like Eiko Miyuzo.

Are you with me? Naruto fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now