Marionette Infection

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Zombie Apocalypse, survival til' death.


Who knew this could happen, a real outbreak of some sorts as no one wanted to believe that 'Z' word. Many sites and scientists had it proven that such a virus could become out of control like this, but people just shrugged and laughed it off because zombies really? 'It's just a series of horror movies, TV shows, and stories to give us thrills and chills.'  But sadly they were all wrong, letting the subject pass and go many times.

Later on in the future years new technology had been created and tested, for the human host who were close to death or in coma. It was a reverse engineered vaccine into tiny electronic devices. Some scientists opposed the making of this as it could potentially cause severe damage to the host, as the project was on hold close to being canceled that is when the government stepped in. The project was approved immediately and began it's testings. A final copy had been made and it was time to test it on a semi live subject, they used a male who had severe cerebral damage to the head and skull and was going to be put under as brain dead until the government got their hands on him. Male specimen 1 had been unsuccessful, as they continued research that's when someone had introduced their own version using nanobot technology. This would be their last hope or the project would of been far gone and cancelled. Female specimen 121-34-B; she had suffered many seizures and strokes, at the age of 32 she passed out and never woke up. They injected her a special tonic of a flu mixed with the nanobots, in a small wait while the nanobots would work their way through the blood stream heading the the brain and spinal cord. As a weeks wait went on small sparks of brain function had met on the scales towards success, it was a total wait of 5 weeks from the introduction but vital signs had approved majorly will enough brain function female specimen 121-34-B had finally woken up. They wanted to go farther and see how much they could do, as in fixing someone who was paralyzed. In time they had been successful for that too. Where the nanobots could work in the host body and could control the hosts body in full function. They soon called this Marionette-tics viral system.

How the nanobots work :

These nanobots are able to swim through the bloodstream and treat medical conditions, they are only 0.1–10 micrometers big. As we reverse engineered the sick virus and injected the nanobots with it we consider the virus as a type of nanomachine. These Nano-Virii repair DNA defects by reintroducing key DNA stabilization enzymes to slow the aging process stopping some nerves long enough to go in during medical procedures and repair or replace new tissues such as the other nanobots will also speed up the healing process. These Nano-virii are generated by oligonucleotide synthesis along with fractal protoplast fusion DNA recombination in a ligase solution. Although this approach resembles long established and current vaccine practice, which brings some limitation and possible serious side effects, as more testing has been done and figured we also came up with a solvent that will stop any harmful side affects the nanobots or virus would give off. We have a main system to where we can control certain nanobotic systems while in the hospital, all nanobots reflect signals off of each other so if you'd meet a person who also has theses nanobots you would recognize them in some small way even if you two had never met before. These nanobots can crawl inside your brain and set up neural connections to replace damaged ones, most useful with any nerve or brain damage, along with helping to wake up comatose patience or ones who are paralyzed. The nanobots will be programmed to self-replicate, and the death of the host will mean the end of the nanobots as they will shut down and no longer be in use unless transferred to a new and live host body.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2014 ⏰

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