Summer of 2015

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It started out pretty smooth sailing. Just broken out of school and communicating between phones and laptops.

The summer itself isn't very interesting. What is interesting is what followed summer.

See, in the summer, I had hung around people that I (very stupidly) thought would be "forever friends," or at least friends that would last me until year 13, where we'd part ways to go to universities and such.

Spoilers. That didn't happen.

See, for the past two years before that eventful summer, I had grown very close to a friend.

You could say that he was my best friend.

And no, before you even mention it. I wasn't fucking him.

He was the friend that I would drop everyone else for.

Imagine your best friend, now times that by 100 and there we have how close we were.

He came forward about a bunch of things, with me following suit. We were so close that many believed that we were together.

That would be a fairytale ending, two best friends falling in love, eventually growing old together.

To me. That's vomit worthy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2017 ⏰

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