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oh well, I've been tagged (MY FIRST TIMEEEE!!!). Thanks to MariChat3 .


Whatevaaa... ok 13 facts about meeee:

1.  I read books fast. In one day I could finish a decent sized book with small print. (If life would let me XD)

2.  I don't like that soda drinks schtuff very much... like Pepsi and Coca Cola? Yeah, me no like................

3.  I've moved between three countries in all of my 13 years (well 14... turning 14 this year). America, Canada and Indonesia (where I'm living right now)

4.  While I still lived in Canada there was this competition for Remembrance Day posters (remember, iheartrosess ?)  AND I WON FOUR AWARDS FOR MY POSTER!!!! I think that was one of the happiest days of my life. :D

5.  I've gone to.... i think... to five or six schools in all. I'm currently homeschooling :P

6.  I really like Legend of Zelda!! I really want to play Ocarina of Time or Skyward Sword or Majora's Mask, but I can't. I'm playing the newest game though: Breath of The Wild!! It's so awesome!!!

7.  I like listening to classical music ^-^

8.  I hated coloring my artwork until last year. Don't ask why I did though, cuz I don't know XD

9.  I have a stuffed animal toy called Periwinkle. Been with me for ten years, almost eleven ^-^

10.  I have this story I'm planning to publish for real. Not on Wattpad but like OUT THERE. I'd like to keep it private, if you please.

11.  I like winter. I miss winter. It's sweltering heat all year long here... no snow...

12.  I like purples, greens, blues, and yellows... oh and red's nice too... you know what I can't choose XD I guess I like lots of colors

13.  I'm Christian ^-^

Umm so at this part I tag people, I guess...?


Wellllll here goes nothing....












and EriGoAwayANNA

Forgive me if you don't like being tagged XD

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