Chapter 4

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"What are we gonna do today?" Emma inquired, swinging their linked pinkies back and forth.

"Whatever you wanna do." He replied and she rolled her eyes.

"I think we should bake a cake!" She turns around and the first thing she sees is his plaid red and white shirt and long blonde hair. She raises her eyes to look at him, but all she can see are his eyes. They're blue; like the kind of blue that you think a Disney prince would have if he were real. They remind her of the ocean on a bright and sunny day, but she's never been to the ocean so she can't really say that they remind her of the ocean, but she gets a flash in her head of another handsome guy, this time with short brown hair, and they're at the beach and she's spinning and she sees him. He's watching her and he's laughing and he's got brown eyes and tanned skin, much unlike the person in front of her whose face she can't even see.

"Ok, lets make a cake." He kisses the top of her head and she kisses his nose because he's really tall and she can't lift up on her toes all the way because the back of her head is pressed to the cabinets and her lower back is pressed against the counter top.

"Ok!" She's excited now. She's never done couple-y things with a guy before, so this is something she can cross off the imaginary list in her head. Made a cake with a guy: ✔️

The scenery changed and now they were at some kind of a market, but the guy with blonde hair and blue eyes was no where to be seen. The market, or at least what appeared to be one, was dimly lit because it mainly used the sunlight from the windows, but looking up and out the big glass windows, Emma could see that it was cloudy out today. She glances down at what's in front of her. She sees something in the shape of an avocado but it's black and has white dots all over. The texture is really rough too; it's what you expect a giant boulder to feel like, not something you find at a market. She looks around some more at all the odd fruit before leaving the odd fruit section and spins on her toes to see what else the market offers. Her dress with little blue flowers on it comes up just a little bit with her spin, and she quickly puts her hands to her sides to stop it from rising anymore.

"You know, I must say that that is one of the reasons I'm glad I'm not a girl." She looks over to her left, just slightly passed the bouquets of flowers. A tall man with choppy brown hair, tannish skin, and rosy cheeks is talking to her now. In the hand that isn't practically glued to his black laptop case strap, he holds a bouquet of sunflowers. Emma's favorite.

"At least it isn't windy." She's just speaking from experience, because nothing is worse than wearing a dress on a windy day, but he laughed. Like a really full, oh-my-gosh-you're-so-funny kind of laugh

"What's your name? Would you like to go get coffee?"

"I'm Emma. What's your name?"

But her alarm went off. Beep, beep, beep! Just when she was about to cross something else off of the imaginary list of things she's never done with a guy. Went to coffee with a guy: ✔️

Now, Emma had one of two options to chose from: going back to sleep to find out his name, or just imagine that his name is something like Sam and that he's just a person in her imagination and not real. She decided to try to fall back to sleep, ignoring the part of her that knew she should be getting up for work. With a long day ahead of her and not many hours of sleep, Emma was excited to see Ryan tonight. Last night he said he couldn't make it because something came up with his mom, and not going further into detail, he promised he'd make it up to her.

Things at Greg's Grocers went by super fast, which usually doesn't happen on a Thursday afternoon. But Emma wasn't complaining because she couldn't wait to meet up with Ryan. She really likes him and she just wants to  see him. It's like she misses him when he's not there and when he's there she doesn't appreciate his presence enough. Tonight was going to be special. Not special, just special. She wanted to make him her favorite dessert from when she was a kid and then get the horror movie they had planned to watch earlier in the week over with. Emma felt like it would be the first time they truly were getting to know each other on a deep, personal level, like for once in her life someone outside of her family had the chance of actually being in her life forever and there's no one else Emma wanted that more with than with Ryan.

She listened to music as she made the dessert and she hoped he really liked chocolate and Oreos. The dessert was just smushed up Oreo crusts because Emma loves the center but Ryan doesn't, chocolate pudding, and whip cream.

When he didn't show up on time, and after debating what to do, Emma decided to clean. She had time to waste so why not? And then soon after that she began to make their meal. She called him twice but he didn't pick up. His phone went straight to voice mail so she assumed it must be dead, which was odd because Ryan always kept his phone charged. Around 8 pm when he still wasn't there and she still hadn't heard from him, her anxiety got even worse. Emma was never the type to just worry, but right now she was worried. What if he's dead or something? But she decided to try to not think about him by taking a shower but that didn't help either. Her mind kept going back to him and how he could possibly be dead by now. The color painted across her toenails didn't help either; earlier in the week Emma and Ryan decided that they would get pedicures if Emma watched a horror movie. She smiled in the shower as she remembered all the jokes he had told her while they were getting pedicures as an excuse for him to laugh while the lady scrubbed the bottom of his feet. She remembered how she said that they might as well get their toes painted as well if they were going to get pedicures, so Emma chose mint green and Ryan chose hot pink - at first it was just an option to make Emma laugh, but Emma was actually delightfully surprised when he actually chose hot pink.

She finished up in the shower and decided to watch tv but not before texting Ryan to text her back when he saw her text. She sat on the couch in her pajamas and robe and waited and waited for her phone to buzz in her hand, but that buzz never came and just as Emma was about to doze off was there a pounding on her door.

Ryan stood across the thresh hold smelling horrible. He smelled like alcohol and he leaned in to kiss Emma on the mouth. She pulled back when she tasted lipgloss on his lips.

"I'm- I'm sorry!" He pleaded with her through slurred words, but now wasn't the time for apologies. She just wanted to know why he was with another girl, but she knew she'd have to wait a long time before she found out because right now he was obviously drunk. His hands were in his short black hair and he kept pulling on his roots.

"Here, sit down," she guided him over to the couch she had been sitting on. "You can explain in the morning. Right now, get some sleep." He lied down in the couch and she used the blanket she had been using to cover him up. She took his shoes and socks off and it wasn't long before snores were heard coming from the one person she thought would never hurt her. The hardest part was taking his shoes off and seeing that the pink nail polish was gone, like taking it off must've been his way of removing her from his life. She thought back to that day just a few days ago and she thought about how happy he appeared to be. She wondered if it was all just a lie. She wondered if it was all just an act on his part, because Emma thought he would be there for her forever, like he would never do anything at all to hurt her. But she was wrong. She was very very wrong.

For the dessert that E made before Ryan sucked:
A container of whip cream
2 packages of chocolate pudding
Chocolate Oreos or you can just save some time and use a chocolate pie crust

Ok so basically the dessert above is just: a full package of smushed up oreos like crunch them in a bag or put them in a food processor and then just get tons of butter and mix it in with the crusts once there all smushed and mix it all together until the Oreos are all covered with butter and put it in a pie crust or in a deep pan and refrigerate it while you make chocolate pudding (homemade or the jello brand kind) and put the pudding on the crust and refrigerate it more and then make another package of pudding but add whip cream (any amount is fine it's just personal preference) and put it on top of the first layer and thennnn put just plain whip cream on top and you could do this with vanilla Oreos and pudding but I've never tried it but you totally should if you don't like chocolate.

This dessert probably already has a name but guys we gotta come up with our own what should it be


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