A Familiar Face

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Note: This is set during season 5, before Ahsoka left the order. It is a slight AU because all of the domino squad are still alive.

The shuttle landed outside the Jedi Temple, two Jedi and six clone troopers stood outside. When the door opened seven of them were surprised to see five people wearing clone trooper armor walking towards them. Anakin was just about to demand answers from them, but faltered when he noticed familiar markings on the leader's helmet. Ahsoka on the other hand walked towards them with emotions ranging from shock to excitement racing through her mind. The leader walked closer and removed their helmet, revealing a youthful face with long blonde hair, a fringe over her left eye, a scar ran over her right eye leaving it a pale white as opposed to the cobalt blue of her left one a smile broke out on her face.

"Ahsoka freaking Tano." The words where a strange mix between a sigh and a laugh, Anakin and the clones behind him were surprised that the stranger knew his padawan.

"Ahrk, Mongrel, Fawkes, Coyote, Jackal." The smile in Ahsoka's voice was hard to miss. Droidbait and Cutup looked at each other before shrugging, Hevy glanced wearily at Ahrk, Fives, Echo and Rex just watched the scene play out and Anakin was struggling to think strait.

"What are you guys doing here?" Anakin and the clones wanted answers as well.

"Is there anywhere private that we can speak?" The soldier that Anakin assumed was Mongrel asked.

"Yeah follow me." Ahsoka told them gesturing towards the hangar. Ahrk smirked before answering.

"Lead the way Captain." Ahsoka froze for a moment before laughing and responding.

"Sir yes sir." The six of them burst out laughing, while Anakin and the clones were still trying to wrap their heads around the situation.

===Page Break===

The group sat on some crates in the far corner of the hangar. Ahrk observed the clones and Anakin before they started the conversation, She already knew Anakin, Rex, Fives and Echo through battle coverage on the holonet, Hevy leaned on a Rotary Blaster Cannon that was a bit smaller than Jackal's, his armor had two blue stripes running up his arms and he had blue armored plating over his body armor, Cutup had various blue stripes going up his arms and legs, his visor was rimmed with blue and his DC-15 was held loosely by his side, Droidbait had the head of a battle droid painted on the side of his helmet as well as a blue cross over his torso, his forearms and shins were also painted blue.

"Right, ask us anything you want to know and we'll try and answer it." Ahrk folded her arms over her chest, mimicking the two Jedi in front of her.

"Does General Tull know you're here?" Ahsoka asked, the five soldiers glanced at each other and shook their heads.

"Admiral Zemerik?" Again they shook their heads. Ahsoka rubbed the bridge of her nose before speaking again.

"Why didn't you tell them this time?" She sighed

"They don't like it when their troops leave the planet, something about 'us having our own problems and we shouldn't go looking for more'" Ahsoka burst out laughing at her friend's antics and soon the other five joined in.

"That has to be the worst impersonation of Admiral Zemerik that I have ever heard." Anakin was getting tired of not understanding what was going on so he interrupted his padawan before she could carry on.

"Where are you from?" Anakin folded his arms and waited for the answer.

"We come from the planet Stalag." Ahrk responded, she had to fight back a laugh at the look on Anakin's face.

"It was founded by bounty hunters, if one had stolen something or they needed to lay low for a while, they generally went to Stalag. It became a dumping ground of sorts. Eventually bounty hunters started settling there, it was never documented to honor it's formation and it has some strange customs." Ahrk explained before Anaki could ask.

"What's it like there? Civilization, terrain, customs." Rex asked.

"The planet is divided, on one side are the rich, some of 'em are okay but most of them only care about themselves, learnt that the hard way. On the other side are the poor, only have enough credits to buy a days worth of food in a week, barely any clothes or shelter. It's not a nice life. The rich side of the planet is made up of a city and one or two manor houses, the poor side is a wasteland and there's a mix of rock and grass planes between the two, as well as a wall." Ahrk explained.

"On the planet parents don't name their kids, the kids choose their own names when they find one they like and they can be changed at the drop of a helmet. The planet has a large stock of kyber crystals in underground caverns, so everyone has a lightsaber or two." Mongrel added.

"Ahrk, what did you mean?" Echo asked, the others turned their full attention to Ahrk.

"I grew up on the poor side of the planet, when I was ten I learned how to hack, hacked some banks to get my parents money. Mom was two worn down to work and dad couldn't get a job because of how big the waiting lists were. When I turned fourteen my aging was frozen I don't know how or why." Ahrk was about to carry on, but was interrupted.

"So how old are you, in reality?" Anakin arced an eyebrow.

"27 I think." Everyone was shocked by this.

"Anyway, my parents eventually found out what I was doing, they weren't mad, they were just sad that I felt I had to do it. They sent me to live on the rich side of the planet so the cops wouldn't find me if someone got suspicious. Started helping people out, the rich kept buying tech that stopped working after a few days. Starting using my hacking skills to fix it. Turns out the guy selling the tech was doing it on purpose to make more money, he wasn't that impressed with me. He sabotaged his own ship and got me to fix it, half way through he knocked me out and I was surrounded by the police when I woke up." Several gasps were heard after that.

"My family, friends, even the people I helped tried to help me. The guy had gotten good lawyers, he started blackmailing the people who wanted to help me and they dropped off my case one by one. I was found guilty and because they found out about my other crimes, I was sentenced to the firing squad. If General Tull had been a few moments slower I would have been dead." Anakin looked down before asking his next question.

"How do you know Ahsoka?"

To be continued...

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