Lasagna Love

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At the moment, Gordon was filming a new episode of MasterChef Junior and today the children are making his favorite dish in the entire universe, lasagna. He was particularly excited to taste Wynter's dish because she never disappointed Gordon. He was walking around each station giving useful tips and commenting on the food of the young chefs when he smelled the most delicious lasagna he had ever smelled in his entire existence. He immediately traced the smell to Wynter's   station and, almost in a run, went to her. When he arrived he gave her many compliments  and eventually made his way back to the judge's table. After he sat down many people tried to get his attention to no avail for he, Gordon James Ramsay was in love with none other than Wynter's lasagna.

Around an hour later, they got his attention and soon after started the judging. First was Daniel, his creation was great but not the best he has had within his lifetime. The rest of the time he didn't really pay much attention but still gave some words of encouragement to give the illusion that he was. Then came the angelic like girl, Wynter, with a dish so delicious it was as if it was made for Gordon and himself alone. Her lasagna was the best he had ever tasted, and that is saying a lot considering he has eaten his own lasagna many times before, and though he thought before now he knew that he indeed was in love. 

Gordon politely asked if he could bring his love home with him and, of course, Wynter happily obliged. Soon it was the end of the episode and he made his way home. As he got inside, he asked if all his workers would take the day off and they did as asked, leaving Gordon and Wynter's lasagna alone.

At first he didn't know how to approach such a beauty but then settled with a simple conversation. He didn't know if the lasagna would reply but he attempted making conversation none the less. "H-hi" said Gordon in a very studdery-ish tone. "Hello" replied the lasagna, surprising him. The lasagna noticed  his nervousness and laughed proceeding to say, "Don't be nervous, I don't bite and by the way my name is Lasagna.". Having Lasagna say this make him chuckle and soon calmed his nerves. Also, having Gordon reply with "I'm Gordon", which Lasagna then replied with, "I love that name," making blood rush to his cheeks, "almost as much as I love you.", making Gordon blush even more if that even possible. "You love me?" he asked. "Yes, I do and I hope you so too." she replied, feeling the love for each other radiating off one another. That moment is when Gordon decided that he should just go for it and kissed Lasagna, which soon turned into a heated make out session. It was very passionate and lust filled. Gordon occasionally taking a bite of her beautiful wavy noodles and licking her delectable sauce. When they were, or what they thought was, finished, they were both panting but both wanted to continue so they did just that for what seemed like hours. By the time they were completely finished, Gordon said four words that changed their lives, "I love you too.".

-Five years later-

Their wedding day was perfect and wonderful with the exception that there were only two people there to celebrate with them, @Thicc_Dicc and the Gordon impostor, @_Gordon_Ramsay_ but other than that is was amazing.

-Three years later- 

They had a child that they named after Lasagna's creator, Wynter. This child was beautiful, she had the body of a human baby but also has the head of a lasagna tray, which both Lasagna and Gordon thought was adorable. 

They proceeded to have two more children within the next four years and in the end they were a loving and caring family even though the mother was a lasagna tray.

A/N: I'm a terrible writer so I apologize for this and if you find anything that you think I should fix, tell me and I will. Well, I hope you enjoyed my creepy one shot. Make sure you comment and vote, I really appreciate it. I'm going to go find the lamb sauce so byeeeeeeeeee.........

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2017 ⏰

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