Bat Girl (1D)

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"Rose! Come on!"

"Come to the Halloween Party, she said. It'll be fun, she said. You can cosplay as Bat Girl, she said. Yeah, well Bat Girl's damn outfit sucks." I huffed, trying to pull my legs through the leather pants for the damn Party.

"Rose! Come. On!" Taylor yells, banging her fist on my dorm door.

"Can you shut that girl up?!" my nocturnal room mate growls.

"I will, as soon as I get my damn legs through the-" I got cut off, letting a startled yelp as I fell off of my bed.

"That's one way of putting pants on." my room mate chuckles.

"Go back to your damn Smut." I growled, standing up I tugged my boots on as I hurried towards the door, my red hair whipping around me, successfully smacking my room mate in the face.


"Pay back, jerk." I smiled at her and she rolls her eyes.

"Come back before ten, Marco closes the doors when it turns ten and there's some weirdo prowling around."

 "Yes Mum." I teased and she rolls her eyes before I slipped out of our room and stared at Taylor in annoyance.

"About time-"

"Shut up and start walking." I muttered, pushing her down the corridor as she gives me the once over.

"Dayum girl, you pull that off brilliantly. I can't wait to see you try to punch some idiot in the face when he tries to flirt with you."

"Wonder Woman, I'm not afraid to throw you down the stairs." I warned her, she sighs.

"You're so violent."

"Of course I am. I'm me." I mused as we exited the dorm building and started walking down the road. 

"Can't wait to get wasted-"

"You have four hours to do so, before Marco locks us out. That and you better not get that wasted, because I'm not dragging you home again. That, and there's apparently some sicko prowling around the grounds again."

"Goddammit, these pedo's need to piss off and let us females run around without having to carry pepper spray."

"... You put it in between your boobs, didn't you?" I stopped, staring at my friend as she turns with a smile on her lips.


I pushed my red hair out of my face and gave her a look, "Come on, we need to walk faster to get to the house." 

"Yes my Impatient friend - don't forget to put your mask on."

"Yeah, yeah." I pulled my mask up from my suit (it was attached to it) and put it over the top of my head. The masks edge stopped at the back of my head, at the top and let my red hair still be it's fluffy self as it sways back and forth.

"There we go, you look gorgeous-"

"Let's just get this over with." I mumbled, grabbing onto Taylor's wrist and started to drag her down the middle of the street, begging for ten o'clock to come already.

"Oh my gosh - what if we met out future boy toys there!"

"You need to go to church." I rolled my eyes.

"Please, I just don't do the relationship thing. I prefer doing the nasty and leave with their food."

I tried my hardest not to smack her over the head, I swear I did.

Yet I hit her over the head anyway.


"If you meet anyone and stay the night at their place tonight, I will kill you."

"You're violent, maybe I should buy you counselling sessions for your birthday-"

"I should get someone to talk to you about your sex addiction."

"Whatever." she mutters, annoyed at me.

We stood on the front door step of the house party, "... I can already smell the damn hormones." I muttered darkly.

"I hope no one else is Wonder Woman, I don't want to be competing with anyone." Taylor smooths her hair out and I sighed before I knocked on the door and we were let into the party.

I just pray that this will end quickly.

 * * * * *

Rose Parker is a nineteen year and is old studying at the ANU in Australia.

Her dorm mate, Andy Jones, is a Nocturnal Tumblr surfer, her best friend is Taylor Richards, a party lover and a female player, and her twin, Micky Parker, just dropped out of UNI and is trying to get a gig with a Band.

All hopes and dreams change while at University.

Love comes and goes, party's go for days if you let them, everyone is either a lover or a hater, and Rose is just a girl.

But, every Rose has their thorns.

What is a Love story with out a few problems?

Especially when the girl involved hates the term "Love" and just thinks it's a waste of time.

Rose is the girl who refuses to even listen to the stupid word, "love", and yet now she's caught in the middle of it with one of the member's of the world's biggest Boy Band's.

All because she dressed up as Bat Girl for a Halloween Party.

* * * * *

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