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In case you haven't noticed, I do not have the best luck. So, as my luck would have it, Ebenezer glanced toward the window. The window I happened to be peering intently into. My window. Of course, they did not see me when I was hiding in plain spot and snuck out behind them, oh no, they only saw me when I was at least sort of hidden outside.

I gasped and ducked down in a way that only happens in the movies, specifically The Parent Trap. Despite my incredibly dramatic action, I was still spotted and I couldn't take that back.

"Hello? You there, what are you doing? It is not safe in and around this building for civilians. What is your business here?" Ebenezer yelled at me, pointing a long finger towards the window.

I know it probably wasn't the right thing to do, but regardless, I took off with an extremely guilty looking run. He yelled something after me, but I didn't listen and just kept going on my merry way. I ducked behind a thick tree and waited for a minute. Both Father John and Ebenezer came out of the building to look for me. I held my breath and hoped that they wouldn't find me.

"Where did she go? Who was she, Ebenezer? Did you recognize her?" Father John asked, pressing a hand to his forehead to block the fading sunlight. It didn't seem like they could see me, but I still didn't move a muscle, just in case.

"No, sir. I have never seen her before. She must have run off. I will try to look for her around town, and I hope you will do the same. Did you get a full look at her?" Ebenezer asked, turning his back to my tree, so he could face the priest.

"No. She was gone very fast. I did not see much." He shook his head and lowered his hand. They both turned around and walked back inside, giving up on the search for me. I breathed a sigh of relief and let myself relax for a moment. I peered back around the tree trunk, making sure that the coast was clear, before walking down the street swiftly. I didn't know where to go, or if I had anywhere to go, but I knew that I needed to get away from there.

I was still speed walking, when Elias came out of an official looking building. I didn't see him in time, and he was looking the other way as he bid the person he was taking to goodbye. Just like any old rom-com, we crashed into each other. Or more like I crashed into the brick wall that was him and fell onto the ground. It's funny how your life can go from kill me now boring to an over dramatic movie.

"Oh! My sincerest apologies, m'am. I did not see you. Are you alright?" He asked, grabbing my hand to help me up. I wiped some dirt off of the butt of my dress.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Funny how we keep meeting like this. Me, on the floor, and you asking if I'm okay. Funny how that works, ha," I said, extremely awkwardly, might I add. Wow, I'm great in social situations.

"Yes, I suppose it is rather amusing," he laughed, still holding my hand in his. "How was your visit, Finley? Did you find Greta?"

"Yeah, I did. Thanks for your help, again."

"You are welcome, m'am. Where are you staying in Salem?"

I hadn't thought about this, but it was growing dark. It must have been nearly nightfall. "Um, I'm not sure yet." Were there hotels back in the 17th century? If there were, I hadn't seen one yet.

"Well, then it would be a pleasure for you to accompany me back to my house. I insist." You know, you should never go anywhere with strange boys, especially if they ask you to go back to their house. However, there were no white vans back then, and he wasn't offering me candy, so I thought it might be safe. Besides, it's not like I had any other options.

"Oh, you don't have to do that." I awkwardly played with my hands, half hoping he would insist that I came with him again, and half hoping he would let it go and leave me be.

"There is no way I can leave a lady out on the streets. Come with me." He offered me his arm, like a perfect gentleman. I nodded and accepted it and we started down the road, back in the direction of his house.

"So, how long will you staying in Salem?" Elias asked me, shooting me a look with his perfect green eyes.

"Um, undetermined at the moment. I'm not really sure yet. It depends on when I get my business here finished." I avoided all details in my answer and hoped he wouldn't ask for anymore.

"And your business here is?" Damn it. I was hoping he wouldn't ask that. What was I supposed to tell him? I'm actually from hundreds of years later in the future, and a ghost visited me in my backyard by her mysteriously placed grave, and she whisked me back to the 1600's to save her life and the lives of her other two friends, before they are unfairly executed for a crime they didn't commit, and also will you love me, oh and in the future there is such a thing as television.

"Well, I told you I am visiting Greta and her family, but with their current situation, I may be here for a little longer than anticipated." This was partly the truth, so I wasn't completely lying, but I left out the part where I am supposed to save her life.

"I feel bad for the girl and her family. I guess it is not her fault she has been tricked by the devil himself." I pursed my lips and nodded. I wanted to tell him really bad that witchcraft like that isn't real and that hundreds of years later people would look back on this and think all the people who executed these girls are cruel idiots.

We arrived at his house and he led me inside. We walked into the kitchen, and my heart stopped at the sight of what I saw standing there. There was Ebenezer Smith, standing there in the kitchen looking right at home.

"Hello, dear brother, this is my friend, Finley Harper, Finley, this is my brother, Ebenezer. Ebenezer works at town hall, near the governor. In fact, he could become the governor in the coming years. Ebenezer, Finley visiting friends here in Salem." My heart thudded in my chest, hoping that he wouldn't recognize me and say something. He gave me a weird look and studied me closely.

"You look familiar. Have we met before?" He asked me, taking a step closer to me. No wonder why he looked so familiar earlier, when I first saw him, because he and Elias looked very similar. It made sense that they were related, but I wasn't expecting it.

"No, no, I don't think so. I wouldn't know you from Adam. Why would you say that?" I rambled on, even adding a damn nervous laugh. What the hell is wrong with me and why can't I lie?

"Are you positive? I feel like we have met." He pressed on and on. I furiously shook my head.

"I've never seen you before in my life," I turned back to Elias, "Thank you again for letting me stay here, but I'm very tired, so if you wouldn't mind, I would like to go to sleep now." I was tired, but I pretty much just wanted to get out of this extremely awkward situation.

"Oh, of course. Right this way, I'll show you to our spare bedroom." I gave Ebenezer one last trying not to look guilty look, before following Elias out of the room. As soon as I was out of his sight, I breathed a long sigh of relief, glad it was over.

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