Letter to someone you know going through the worst of times

29 1 2

Dear Syd,

I love you so damn much I feel like I am crazy when I realise it! You are so beautiful it is rediculous!

You are creative and supportive and just outgoing! Please NEVER CHANGE!

I say that but at the same time I would love it if you tried to change just a little. As in not getting SO upset when things don't go your way. Getting along with Kayla and everybody again. And not being a dictionary. But I get it you are just finding who you are! Who isn't at this age?!

Your parents aren't very nice to you or me. But I can deal with them not liking me, but you...YOU! You are perfect! You are a nice person and you NEVER judge by covers! 

You have a beautiful voice and they tell you, you don't. Morgan bullies you... as PHYSICAL! and Ashley is just a bitch... but she can be nice. 

People honestly don't try to hurt your feelings. 

Your hair is going to look so wonderful purple, I just know it.

I am typing this SUPER fast so I don't get caught. So my most apologies if anything is misspelled

I just REALLY hope you know that through all of these hard times I am going to help you whether you like it or not! You don't like that I am so blunt. I'm sorry I'll work on that.

You make me wanna cry! I feel like I have known you as long as Tara or whatever A LONG TIME!





I would write this longer but it is late and my mum is going to be pissed.

With so much fucking love,

Peyton. xoxo

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