That was unexpected

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*Theresa Evans*

Theresa struggled getting her luggage off the convertor belt. It kept' going round and round and someone always stepped in her way before she could snatch it. After a while, she got thoroughly annoyed and pushed through some middle aged couple to get her goods. It took her a good fifteen minutes to work herself and her luggage through the airport to the pick-up station. She finally found a bench right outside the metal detectors and sat down to wait for the people from THE Star Academy.

How did I end up in this situation? She asked herself bitterly. She wasn't anything special. She didn't play any sports or instruments and her school record sucked. Theresa was a classic case of foster care abuse. She had lived in 5 places over the past 3 years. She was mean, aggressive, angry, and a big deal of trouble. Not that she saw herself that way. She liked having fun, and found different ways to, plain and simple. And if anyone messed with her, she dealt with it.

But that was hardley enough reason for Star Academy to accept her. The only unique trait about Theressa was the fact that she couldn't remember anything from 12 years old and younger. Some sort of accident; one she couldn't recall, had landed her with a broken memory from trauma, and landed her in foster care. Aparently, her parents didn't want a kid who couldn't remember them, so they tossed her out, and ever since she'd been hopping from foster home to foster home, trying to find a place she'd fit.

Theresa liked her last foster mother, Emma. She looked a lot like her. She had the same brown-blond hair, similar bright brown eyes, and even their facial structures were the same. Theresa felt that she could go into public with her and no one would queston if she were her mother. Plus, Emma was nice. She and her husband had taken care of a lot of kids going through similar problems, and they were friendly and kind. Unfortunately, that didn't stop Emma from packing up Theresa's things the second she discovered her invitation to the academy in the mail. Before Theresa knew it, she was having a party for her success (apparently, being accepted was into Star Academy was a big deal) and all her 'friends' were saying goodbye. (Emma didn't like Theresa's friends. Therefore, her real ones weren't invited)

And in conclusion, Theresa now waited impatiently for the stupid driver to pick her up from the airport.

It didn't help that people stared at her. Theresa played with the hem of her skirt nervously. Was her uniform that big of a deal? She suddenly wished it wasn't so flashy, or at least the academy could have not required her to wear it upon entrance. The big star placed over the breast pocket could be overlooked, but the skirt, made to look like falling stars, made this uniform unmistakable. Star Academy kids were important, celebrities even,and seeing one outside of campus was apparently very rare.

Whispers surrounded her as she stood up and walked to the closest convince store to get some water.

Theresa regretted the choice. Not only was the water overpriced, but she also ran into a family of 4 ogling her like she was some tourist attraction.

"Are you a student at Star Academy?!" The boy asked excitedly.

"Ummmm..." Technically she was, although she'd never been on the campus. "Yea?" It came out more like a question than a statement. He grinned happily.

"Sorry to disturb you miss, but can we take your picture?" The guy she thought to be the father asked.

"Uhhhh...." She didn't get to respond, before the family took it upon themselves to surround her and snap a couple of shots.

"Thank you so much!" The family walked away quickly, chattering excitedly.

Theresa starred after them bewildered. What the he-

"Excuse me?" She turned around to two girls smiling wildly at her. Two blinding lights flashed her before another word was spoken.

"Can we take a picture with you?"


About half an hour later Theresa was exhausted. She had taken what seemed like thousands of pictures, and signed about half a million magazines. If the store manager hadn't of steped in and kicked everybody out, she was sure she would never leave.

In return for saving her life, Theresa agreed to take one more picture with the manager, and on request, she happily gave Theresa a magazine called "What's happening with the Stars?" Apparently, the magazine covered all the inside happenings of Star Academy, run by the genius Star Academy students themselves.

The store manager insisted that it was a very popular magazine, partially because Star Academy had great writers, editors, and advertisers, but also because people wanted to know the going-ons of the very secretive mysteries of the World Famous Star Academy.

The front of the magazine showed a smiling handsome brown-haired boy in a blue uniform, oppisite a redheaded girl in a red uniform, wearing a stern expression, and atempting to look very serious, despite her cute freckles and wild hair. A much larger face was faded behind them, one that Theresa recognized. David Star, Student Council President of Star Academy; extremely attractive, extremely talented, and who many believe will be the future President of the United States. Theresa couldn't help but automatically pay attention when David Star's name was mentioned.

Although, this time she wished she had paid attention to her surroundings instead of staring at the magazine cover as she exited the shop. Before she even got far, a new group of people crowded her. Theresa looked around panicked. There were too many people! Everyone talked at once, pointing and calling out to her. Was being a student from Star Academy that important?!

"Hey! Move aside." A booming voice commanded. A second later the crowd parted, but the cameras continued to go off.

A familiar looking boy and girl stood at the end of the crowd. The girl wore a red Star Academy uniform and the boy wore a blue version.

Theresa looked back to the magazine, and then to the people standing a few feet from her. No way! They were the same people!

The girl looked relived. "Finally! We found you!" She said happily. But the boy's face was one of pure shock. He whispered into the girl's ear quickly, and her eyes widened as she took Theresa in.

The boy laughed loudly.

"Wow. That was unexpected." He smiled, before walking down the path towards her.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2012 ⏰

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