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A sleepy Eric rolls over on to his side as daylight blazes through the gaps in the curtains. His limbs are tangled in his thick bed sheets and his light hair is all over the place from his constant moving in the night.

Beside him lies a dreaming Gerald, his features peaceful and beautiful. Eric, who's eyes are half open, strokes Gerald's soft cheek and smiles to himself at how unaware his lover is to his touch. Eric's fingers move up to Gerald's hair and dance between the short strands. Gerald's hair feels like silk in between Eric's fingers, so fine and so well kept even while he sleeps.

Eric thinks about how perfect this moment is, as his left hand trails up and down Gerald's bare arm he can't help but think about living like this for the rest of his life. He would be happy. They would be happy. But this isn't a fairy tale, this is real life, and in real life things aren't so perfect. In the darkness of Eric's bedroom they are hidden away from the world but outside the wooden door the world is cruel and not so perfect.

Not wanting to think about it anymore Eric rolls over onto his back and let's out a deep huff. Above him he can see the patterns on the white ceiling coming into view as daylight creeps further into the room. Footsteps on a wooden floor pass outside his door. Eric can hear his fathers booming voice coming from what sound like the master bedroom. Mr Birling's voice gets louder as he draws near to Eric's bedroom. Other footstep accompany Mr Birling's voice, probably a few butlers having orders barked at them. Suddenly all movement stops and Eric hears Mr Birling speak. "Is that boy up yet?" 

Eric freezes, his eyes darting to the door. 

"No, sir." A male voice responds to Mr Birling's question. 

"Blimey, it's almost 10 o'clock. What is he playing at?" Eric hears the brass doorknob start to turn. His heart is racing and in a flash he's out of bed and at the door. He looks across the room at Gerald who is still sleeping soundlessly. Then he opens the door before Mr Birling can, only allowing a gap big enough to show his face.

"Eric?" Mr Birling blinks at his son, startled by his sudden appearance. "Why aren't you up?"

"I am up." Eric blatantly says. Mr Birling sighs and his expression turns to a glare.

"Don't mess with me boy, you've got work to be doing. You don't have time to be sleeping in late." Mr Birling looks Eric up and down, then tries to peer round Eric to see into the room. "Why aren't you dressed? And why is it so dark in there? Maid go in there and open the curtains. A bit of daylight will wake up you." 

A maid steps forward to the door but Eric blocks her way. Sweat forms on his forehead and his heart is racing again. "It's alright, I can open them myself." Then he slams the door shut. He leans his back against the door, listening for his father's footsteps to disappear downstairs. 

"What's going on?" A croaky voice speaks from across the room. Eric looks over at the bed where Gerald is sat up, rubbing his eyes. 

"You have to leave." Eric says. He strides over to the window and yanks open the long curtains. Daylight blinds the two of them.

"Why? Is something wrong?" Gerald swings his bare legs over the side of the bed.

"Father nearly came in here." Eric pulls open his chest of drawers and takes out a crisp white shirt. Gerald doesn't say anything, he picks up yesterday's clothes off of the floor and starts to put them on. 

"We're going to have to be more careful, start meeting somewhere else. A hotel maybe." Eric says, his fingers fumbling with his tie. "It's bad enough having Sheila threatening to expose us."

"But I thought that was a joke?" Gerald says, stopping his shirt buttoning to look at Eric. 

Eric doesn't look back at Gerald, he looks down at the floor and sighs. "I know but...there's always the chance that she might tell someone." Eric looks up at Gerald and they stare at each other for a few seconds before Eric turns away to finish getting dressed.

Gerald leaves through the kitchen door while the maids serve Eric's late breakfast in the dining room. 

Mr Birling watches over Eric from the end of the table, as he waits for him to finish his food. His polish shoe taps impatiently on the hard floor and he glares at Eric, wishing he had a better son.


In the centre of Brumley, Sheila and a lively Mrs Birling are trying on evening gowns for an upcoming event. It's the 4th boutique they've been in and still Mrs Birling hasn't found anything for the both of them that satisfies her. If it were Sheila's choice, they would have been home by now. But Mrs Birling being the snooty woman she is, insists on having the finest dress money can buy and she insists on choosing Sheila's dress for her.

"Sheila dear, don't slouch your shoulders like that. You're an available woman now, you've got to make yourself presentable." Mrs Birling sits on a small sofa as Sheila stands infront of her wearing an emerald green dress. 

Sheila scrunches her nose and says. "I don't like this dress so I'm not going to waste my time trying to look good in it." She looks herself up and down in the long mirror and frowns. The dress feels heavy and the lace around the shoulders is itchy. 

Mrs Birling dismisses Sheila then waits for her to try on the next dress. When Sheila comes out her expression hasn't changed. 

"Mother why can't you let me pick my own dress? I'm not a little girl anymore." 

Mrs Birling rolls her eyes. "Well you certainly act like one. This dinner is going to be full of eligible men, so I need to know that my daughter is looking her best." 

"I can do that myself." Sheila says, a stern tone appearing in her voice. "And I told you before, I can find a husband myself." 

The shop assistant blushes red and looks down at the floor, clearly agitated at the sudden tension. 

"Nonsense Sheila, now go try on the next dress." Mrs Birling waves her daughter away and turns her face to ensure that she doesn't have to continue the disscussion.    

Sheila sighs and storms back into the dressing room, mumbling to herself as the shop assistant unties her dress.


Question: how do you think the story should end? should they find Eva or not?

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