My fiancè is a man!

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Normal POV.

"How can we do this! I shall not let this happen!" The Queen shouted at the King. He shook his head.

"I don't like the idea either my dear. We have no choice. If they hadn't suggested this idea, I don't know how long we would have lasted." He said grimly.

"It's just the kind of thing that those.... Those.... Those disgusting creatures of the night would think of! I will not have my son be sacrificed to them! He shouldn't have to pay the price for us! For the kingdom!"

"............ I know my dear. If we let this war go on they will find out our army is growing thin. And when they do it will be a catastrophe. They will have our heads on a stick to show to our people. Our people will be hanged, tortured, or become slaves. Our son will join us in death or will be treated like an animal. At least he will have some comfort-"

"COMFORT IN WHAT!!!" The Queen whaled. "To be subjected to this humiliation! Any man would rather die than agree to do what we are even thinking about agreeing to!"

"........... I don't like the idea either. Believe me, I've tried doing everything in my power to prevent this! I even said I have no daughters! Only my son. They are ruthless my dear! I would rather be alive and watch over my son, and do anything in my power to make him happy in this horrible situation! Than be dead and watch helplessly from heaven as he's subjected to unimaginable horrors!" The Queen fell back into the chair and wept.

"My poor baby boy! How could this happen to you!" She said in between her sobbing.

"Guards!" The King bellowed. A guard from outside the door came into the room.

"Yes, your majesty."

"Send for my son, Prince Bonnibeau Gumball the IV."

Gumball's POV.

"Wait for me, Fiona!" I shouted as I ran as fast as I could to the top of the hill.

"Come on! Your taking forever!" She groaned. I finally made it up and I was breathing heavily. "This is what I wanted to show you!" I looked down from the hill and there it was. My kingdom. I couldn't help but smile with pride. My kingdom is beautiful. Sun is always shining, flowers never seem to stop blooming. The rivers are sparking clean streams. The town is busy in its daily routine. There chatter, laughing, singing, and music. The castle is on a hill looking down on this beautiful kingdom. I could see every corner of my kingdom on this hill. One day I'll rule this magnificent kingdom, hopefully with the girl of my dreams by my side. I looked at Fi she smiled.

"Isn't it beautiful?" She asked.

"It is," I said. The girl of my dreams is the girl standing next to me. She has a feelings for me and I also have feelings for her. We both know we like each other but we've been shy about it. Letting it happen slowly and naturally. She is the beautiful daughter of a knight. She has proven herself and has become the first woman to be knighted. She's strong and fearless, yet kind and graceful. I think we are the perfect match for each other. Today, on this beautiful day. I'm going to have my first kiss.

"Aahhhh Fiona. We've known each other for quite some time and I would like it very much if you did me the honor of being my-"

"Ah! That's the signal!!!" She shouted. The signal is a bomb fire that puffs up large amounts of smoke. It's shown when something is wrong. It's mainly used when my mother can not find me. It's used at least three times a week. I was about to sigh but I caught myself.

"Shall we go?" I asked.

"Yeah!" We raced down the hill to our horses and rode back to the castle. I excused myself from Fiona and headed to my father's study. I stood in front of the doors and the guards opened the doors. I walked in to find my mother's face stained with tears and my father with a distressed look on his face.

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