( TRUE ) Dat lost jammer boi doe

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Alright so basically this one day me and my brother decided to be really mischievous jammers, I made this fake hacking profile called imlostforever1116, it should still be there, but basically me and my brother used it to troll ppl and pretend to be the lost jammer, a hacker on aj, so with my bro at my side and us leaning over the screen of my black little laptop we entered the ACTUAL lost jammers den, there were two other jammers, we trolled them for a while and then we told them we were kidding and I actually became buddies with one, we chatted for a while until the fun ended, you know that little button where you can click to turn people's name tags to there usernames? Well I had that off, so we saw this black wolf dressed as the lost jammer just enter the den, now usually when the owner of a den logs on while ppl are in they're den it makes a little noise thingy, this didn't, it didn't even say he was online! It said he was offline, so me and my brother clicked on they're name tag, they're we saw it was none other than the lost jammer himself, I screamed and my brother just gasped, we both left his den quick as crap and never went back, sadly though I never saw the ppl again, we searched up they're users and nothing came up so yeah, that was real freaky! Though there was another thing....

( in the next chapter!! )

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